Netflix обвинили в использовании нейросетей при производстве документалки «Что с..

Netflix was accused of using neural networks in the production of the documentary “What Jennifer Did”

The creators showed in the film a photo of the criminal Jennifer Pan, who is serving a sentence in a Canadian prison for the organization of a contracted murder of her parents in 2010 – the film tells about these events. In the photo, viewers noticed the unnatural appearance of teeth, fingers, and facial proportions, which is typical for images generated by artificial intelligence. In this case, the public considered this inappropriate because the film is a documentary, and it’s not mentioned involving the use of neural networks in the titles.

Criminal reporter Jeremy Grimaldi, who wrote a book on this case, told the Toronto Star that the images are authentic, but some of them were edited to protect the identity of the photo’s author.

Photographer Joe Foley also suggested that the series’ authors might have increased the resolution of the actual photo using AI. In his opinion, Netflix should have indicated in the titles that the photographs were edited.

The film “What Jennifer Did” took the top spot in the global top-10 Netflix after it debuted in early April.

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