Montana – Agriculture

Montana enjoys a rich agricultural heritage. Ranching and farming has always been an important part of the State’s economy, with livestock and crop production contributing close to two billion dollars to Montana’s economy every year! So as you can imagine, truckers play a very important part in this industry.

Whilst the state produces a wide variety of plants and grains, there is one unique crop which players in our upcoming Montana DLC for American Truck Simulator will be able to help deliver. So what’s so sweet about farming in this state? Sugar! From the morning teaspoon in your tea to the tasty dusting on top of cakes and cookies, Montana is known for growing Sugar Beet, which is a great alternative to sugarcane; which requires a more tropical climate.

After the roots have grown, stored and deemed ready for processing, they are then transported to a major sugar processing plant, one which players will also be able to deliver to. These processing plants produce about 260 million pounds of sugar and 120,000 tons of agriproducts each season. The end result is then sent across the country, for us to enjoy!

Grain elevators will be another location where drivers can make deliveries. These important storage facilities can store thousands of tons of grain at any one time, which are then further distributed across the country using trains or trucks.

Sugar and grains are not the only farms which drivers in Montana can deliver to. Truckers can expect to discover a wide variety of farms across the state.

So next time you have something sweet on your plate, just think, it could of came from Montana! We look forward to sharing more of Montana with you in the near future. Be sure to check out the official Steam store page and if you wish to support us, be sure to add Montana to your Steam Wishlist.


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