Hello, survivors!
Starting today and throughout the week, a unique temporary pack “Wild field” will be available in the in-game store. Harvest the wrecks of your enemies’ armoured cars with this ingenious but efficient vehicle!
Attention! The pack will only be available in the in-game store and only for crosscrowns from 12:00 GMT on June 16 until June 23 at 23:59 GMT.
“Wild field” pack
- Armoured car: “Utilizer”;
- Cabin: “Omnibox”;
- Weapons: 3 chainsaws “Lacerator”;
- Movement parts: 2 ST and 2 standard wheels “Bigfoot” with the “Digger” CK.
- Hardware: weapon booster “Tormentor”, engine “Cheetah”, generator “Gasgen”, invisibility module “Chameleon Mk2”.
- Paints: “Half-light”, “Material: Aluminium”, “Emerald” and “Bumblebee”.
- Various decorative items.
- Increases the maximum number of parts used to 55.
- 1500 in-game coins.