Game Save Checklist

Game Save Checklist

Game Save Checklist
The forthcoming Economy 2.0 patch represents one of our most significant updates to date, heralding numerous modifications to the game’s mechanics, particularly its economy.

We are on the brink of releasing the Economy 2.0 patch! Final checks are being conducted, and it could be in your hands as soon as tomorrow. Before this update goes live, we want to provide you with a detailed list of what to expect when you load your previous saves post-patch. This post aims to pre-emptively address any potential surprises.

We have already published two Developer Diaries detailing the contents of the Economy 2.0 patch. If you’re interested in reading them, you can find them here:

DD#1 – | DD#2 –​


  • Saves from before the economy overhaul will be compatible but may require an adjustment period. This extensive rework will influence how the simulation runs and impact your ongoing saves when the patch is deployed. Below, we explain what changes might take some time to fully effectuate.


  • With the new patch, there’s no guarantee that modded saves will function correctly; you’ll need to check for updates or specific instructions from modders.
  • Mods affecting the simulation will likely be impacted by this update.

Mods need to be updated to align with the new game version and its functionalities. Please be patient with the modders you admire. While some mod creators have had Early Access to the patch to prepare updates, they might not be able to update their mods immediately. Kindly refrain from pressuring them; they will update their mods as soon as feasible.

If you prefer to play the game without mods while waiting for updates, you can utilize a new playset devoid of mods or temporarily add –disableModding in the game’s Steam launch options to disable all mods.


By popular demand, we’re raising the game’s difficulty:

Government Subsidies will be removed, and City Service upkeep costs will be increased.

Relying on external City Services?

Cities depending on external services will need to activate the Import City Services policy to continue utilizing neighboring city services, now accompanied by a fee.

Upkeep Cost for Tiles

Tiles will now incur an Upkeep Cost. If you have many unlocked tiles, expect significant changes to your budget. If managing your budget becomes challenging post-patch but you wish to continue with the same save, consider enabling “Unlimited Money” in your map options. Starting a new map with the “Unlock All Tiles” option will negate the upkeep cost for tiles, saving you 22,000,000 per month.


Death Wave

Expect a Death Wave in your city lasting around 1-2 in-game months. The older your citizens are, the more pronounced it will be. This is to introduce varied ages at which citizens can pass away, aiming to avoid future death waves. However, it will take some time, as the Grim Reaper typically doesn’t handle such volumes of paperwork all at once.

New Budget Calculations

Initially, anticipate a negative financial trend, but tax revenue may offset new expenses post-recalculation. If your city struggles financially, consider raising taxes, reducing service budgets, or temporarily shutting buildings to conserve costs.

New Production and Employment Calculations

Businesses will need time to adjust their production levels and employee numbers, potentially leading to a rise in unemployment.

New Demand Calculations

Expect prompt demand adjustments impacting demand bars, so don’t be surprised if they differ significantly from pre-patch levels. Increasing industrial space may boost residential demand unless there are already job-seeking workers available.

New Residential Demand Calculations

Don’t be surprised if citizens seek different housing types or relocate post-patch.

New Rent and Resource Consumption Calculations

These calculations aim to help citizens afford their preferred housing, thereby reducing “High Rent” notifications over time.

Still Seeing “High Rent” Notifications?

If “High Rent” notifications persist even after extended gameplay, it may indicate underlying unemployment issues. Ensure citizens have jobs to pay their rent.

We highly value your feedback on the development of Cities Skylines II. Alongside this patch, we have created a survey where you can voice your opinions, concerns, and suggestions regarding Economy 2.0.

Once the patch is released, you can find this survey as one of the Tiles in the Cities: Skylines II Launcher!
