Detailer’s Patch #1 – Version 1.1.6f1

Detailer’s Patch #1 – Version 1.1.6f1

Detailer’s Patch #1 – Version 1.1.6f1
Hello everyone. Today’s update addresses several issues identified in patch 1.1.5f1, also known as Economy 2.0, and introduces some exciting new content on top of that. Our art team has been busy creating new service building variants and additional themed vehicles to offer you more choices. For detailed city builders, we’ve added an Age Selector to the Tree Placement Tool for finer control over tree placement, as well as a Surface Tool that lets you apply 11 different types of surfaces to your city. This is just part one of the “Detailer’s Patch,” as we aim to incorporate your feedback and enhance support for this play style. Stay tuned for more updates on our future plans.

We hope you enjoy the new content and bug fixes. We are grateful to everyone who reported issues or provided constructive feedback, as well as those who completed our survey. We are already evaluating how to refine game balancing based on your responses.

If you encounter any new issues after this patch, please report them here:

We wish you a fantastic July and look forward to resuming development in August.

Note: A new patch may cause compatibility issues with mods. If you face any problems, please disable mods and wait for updates from the modders. See this thread for more information.


Patch 1.1.6f1

New Content
  • Zoneable Roundabouts
    • 8 New Roundabout Decorations
  • Age Selector Added To The Tree Placement Tool
  • Surface Tool
    • 2 Concrete Surfaces
    • 2 Grass Surfaces
    • 2 Pavement Surfaces
    • 2 Sand Surfaces
    • 3 Tile Surfaces
  • 26 New Service Building Variations
    • New Small Water Tower
    • New Small Medical Clinic
    • New Urban Fire Station
    • 3 New Education Buildings
    • 2 New Police Stations
    • New Small Post Office
    • 6 New Public Transportation Buildings
    • 5 New City Parks
    • 6 New Parking Lots
  • 4 New Vehicles
    • New North American Garbage Truck
    • New North American Snowplow
    • New North American Passenger Train
    • New European Cargo Train Engine

Gameplay Fixes
  • Fixed offices downscaling their workforce to 5/5 workers.
  • Fixed the incorrect worker cap in industrial companies.
  • Fixed the Reliable Mail Service happiness effect impacting citizen happiness without Post Service Buildings.
  • Fixed wages being doubled when service buildings are upgraded, leading to excessive service costs.
  • Fixed the UI upkeep section incorrectly calculating wages twice if the building has an upgrade.
  • Fixed flooding issues when relocating the Advanced Water Pumping Station.
  • Fixed evacuation bus and prison van passengers being counted in public transport statistics.
  • Fixed citizens remaining teenagers throughout their lives.
  • Fixed virtual office products like Financial and Software trading not functioning between companies.
  • Fixed missing audio effects from the Geothermal Power Plant.
  • Fixed company profitability not accounting for full storage.
  • Fixed resource seller pathfinding issues when companies sought office products.
  • Improved storage limits of virtual products created by office companies to match physical product storage limits of 100,000 and halted production when storage is full.
  • Enhanced the decay of water pollution.
  • Increased noise and air pollution from highways.
  • Removed noise pollution from Solar Power Plants.
  • Added workplaces to Small Parking Lots.
  • Added air pollution mitigation to the Landfill Waste Recycling Unit.
  • Balanced well-being and park statistics for Elementary School Playground, High School Sports Field, and University Park.
  • Elementary School Playground and University Park upgrades now necessitate unlocking the Large Parks node. Additionally, High School Sports Field now requires unlocking the Large Sports Parks node.
  • Fixed building Selected Info Panel always displaying the upgrade options dropdown to the left to avoid overlapping with tooltips.
  • Fixed broken label rendering in some economy/production details panels.
  • Fixed glitches in intro tutorials (movement, rotation) text rendering.
  • Added new translations

UI Fixes
  • Enhanced navigation to consider item sizes to fix bugs with unselectable small buttons in settings.
  • Added controller action (LS Press + Y) for toggling advanced options.
  • Added controller actions for search and search clearing in options.
  • Introduced switch option section action.
  • Added controller Right Stick Press as a modifier for broader mod binding options. Reassigned actions previously using Right Stick Press:
    • Continue tutorial to RPress + DPad/Right
    • Previous tutorial to RPress + DPad/Left
    • Focus task list to Rpress + Dpad/Up
    • Focus task advisor to Rpress + Dpad/Up
  • Included scroll hint for scrollable panels.
  • Added icons for mouse actions in tutorials.
  • Retained item focus before search activation and restored it upon search exit.
  • Automatically select the first option in the list when switching tabs.
  • Reduced option tab header size to accommodate more tab buttons.
  • Display built-in action conflicts when keybinds are changed and a new action uses the same keybinds.
  • Improved multiline text option with theme color usage.
  • Enhanced key binding conflict tooltips.
  • Refined tutorial balloon orientation for the electricity and water tutorials.
  • Fixed tutorial absence about Info Views panel upon first opening.
  • Corrected tooltips for money (and population) fields not updating trends properly.
  • Fixed missing bonuses display in the Selected Info Panel for some building upgrades.
  • Resolved issues with transportation vehicle colors not changing unless hovered over by the mouse.
  • Fixed Line Color selection window moving off-screen when having 11 or more Transportation Lines.
  • Corrected Milestones tab and pop-up displaying inaccurate development points during milestone 20.
  • Resolved Info Views panel not opening after placing Unique buildings.
  • Fixed UI not graying out built or locked signature/unique buildings and showing incorrect monetary badges.
  • Fixed missing spaces in passenger and cargo counts in Route or Line details Selected Info Panel.
  • Corrected scrollable City Information descriptions showing incorrect text.
  • Fixed map tile purchase bird’s eye view in unlock all tiles mode.
  • Resolved UI invisibility issues when accessed through City Services or Info Views.
  • Fixed “Upgrades” panel errors when opening another similar building’s upgrade panel.
  • Fixed Chirper panel scroll issues with a controller.
  • Fixed longer household lists not being fully scrollable with a controller.
  • Corrected option search field positions when using a controller.
  • Fixed focus issues with narrow items in options when using a controller.
  • Resolved tabs appearing without action hints and hints appearing with visual glitches.
  • Changed scroll actions from D-Pad to right stick up/down for better navigation.
  • Fixed navigation action hints

Modding Changes
  • Enabled setting keyboard modifiers (shift, alt, ctrl) for mouse actions.
  • Enabled mods to create mouse bindings.
  • Added formatting support to option descriptions.
  • Made several enhancements to modding toolchain dependencies, including descriptions and icons.
  • Streamlined directory picker in mods to behave uniformly like other option types. Added ability to type path.
  • Enabled reading action value as object for unknown action types.
  • Added display name overrides for easier control of action display names.
  • Environment variable values update during Unity Mod Project updates.
  • Added message dialogs to modding options for showing environment variables (developer mode only).
  • Added scroll handler to error/message dialog.
  • Keybinding fields can be disabled.
  • Mod controller hints now appear after built-in controller hints.
  • Fixed incorrect conflict detection for mod bindings allowing/disallowing modifiers.
  • Fixed issues with dropdown option fields not disabling properly with no items.
  • Fixed copy button issues on dialog details.
  • Fixed mod settings access issues from “key binding conflict” notifications.
  • Fixed incorrect toolchain state updates to ‘not installed’ even after rejecting uninstallation.
  • Fixed issues with auto-activation of manually disabled input actions.
  • Automatically hide groups if all items are hidden.
  • Use custom BindingButton and BindingKey for additional controller support.
  • Escape markdown symbols when copying error text.
  • Store key modifiers consistently to prevent false positive key rebinding detections.
  • Validated keybinding value updates to a setting property only if actually updated in input manager.
  • Fixed error scenarios where key binding conflicts prevent setting a new value.
  • Fixed mod keybinding value issues not updating in UI in specific cases.
  • Made additional key binding options public for modding.
  • Fixed false positive binding change detection when saving/loading settings

Paradox Mods
  • Updated to version 1.6.0
  • Shifted from infinite scroll to pagination in browse view when using mouse and keyboard.
  • Added support for subscribing to all missing dependencies in mod details view.
  • Bug Fix: Prevented multiple unsubscribe clicks on the same mod

Known Issues

The Small Post Office doesn’t receive incoming mail for city distribution.

Office companies recover from the 5/5 worker count gradually, provided they maintain profitability in the city.

Office companies may not leave when buildings are demolished. If your offices remain at 5/5 workers or continuously lose workers, they may be stuck. Use this workaround:

  • Increase office tax to 30%
  • Run the simulation until all office buildings are empty (grey) in the Profitability Info View or when there’s no tax income from offices (~one in-game month).
  • Restore the tax level to your preference.
  • New office companies will repopulate your city.
  • Note: Office demand may take time to return as buildings are refilled. This is normal.

Alternatively, retaining office demand while resolving the issue:

  • Remove all office zoning.
  • Run the simulation until you receive no office tax income.
  • Rezone offices where desired.
