Comparing Vincent’s Role in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to Red XIII’s in Remake

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
(Image debt: Square Enix)

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will not allow you straight manage Vincent or Cid.

In a brand-new meeting with Rebirth supervisor Naoki Hamaguchi, IGN asked whether fan-favorite Vincent will certainly be completely usable in the brand-new game. Hamaguchi exposed that the cherished vampire will not in fact be a totally usable personality, yet will certainly rather be an AI-controlled personality, comparable to Red XIII in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

“In terms of whether or not Vincent will be a playable character, he will be more of an accompanying character to the party in terms of Rebirth. So this will be similar to how Red XIII was in Remake,” Hamaguchi stated. Unfortunately Vincent will not fairly be incorporated right into our event in the method a great deal of gamers were definitely expecting.

Elsewhere, Dengeki Online quizzed imaginative supervisor Tetsuya Nomura as exactly how Cid would certainly factor right into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It’s never ever in fact been validated that the technician would certainly include in the 2nd remake instalment, yet Nomura exposes that Cid will certainly have the precise very same therapy as Vincent, considering as a buddy, yet not a usable personality. 

So much at the very least, Vincent has appeared in pre-release footage of Rebirth for every one of regarding 2 secs. We’ve never ever in fact seen Cid in any type of trailer video, so this is a quite informal method of validating that a person of the core personalities of the initial Final Fantasy 7 will certainly be turning up in the brand-new game.

We’ve played Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth for ourselves, as well as it’s declared itself as one of our most expected JRPGs. Head over to our complete Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth preview for even more on exactly how the follow up is toning up in advance of releasing following year on February 29, 2024.

You can likewise take a look at our upcoming PS5 games overview for an appearance in advance in any way the various other console exclusives slated for Sony‘s new-gen device.



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