Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 официально анонсированаРазрабочики опубликовали пост в..

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<b>Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 officially announced</b><br><br>
Developers have published a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" onclick="return confirm('Open this link?\n\n'+this.href);"><u>post</u></a> on Twitter/X, stating that "a new dark chapter of the Black Ops franchise begins" with the hashtag <a href="?q=%23BlackOps6">#BlackOps6</a>. The game's logo and key art had previously been leaked online.<br><br>
It is known that Treyarch is handling the multiplayer, while Raven Software is developing an open-world single-player campaign.<br><br>
The game will be showcased at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9th. It is expected that the game will become available on Game Pass on its release day.

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