BioShock 4: Sony would try to make it a PS5 excluded according to an insider

BioShock 4: Sony would try to make it a PS5 excluded, according to an insider

We now know, for some time and officially, that BioShock 4 is in the process of gestation. For once, 2K Games has set up a studio just for this, called Cloud Chamber, and the project has been developed for many years in fact. In the last news, the title would even be an open world, possibly produced under Unreal Engine 5 and would keep the strong narrative components of its predecessors : in short, we are very interested. Interested, yes, but also concerned about one thing: that this fourth opus does not manage to reproduce all the brilliance, absolutely formidable, of the first trilogy. And without Ken Levine, the illustrious creator of the franchise, at the helm, there is much to frown on.

In short, whatever happens, it may well be that some firmly believe in this unprecedented part … like Sony, for example. The insider Nick Baker, aka “Shpeshal_Ed”, quite famous in the English-speaking video game world, has thus released a crisp information in the Xbox Era podcast : according to its sources, the Japanese firm would try to make it a PS5 exclusive. Currently, the informant does not know if it will be a temporary deal or a definitive one and, still lacking in details, he prefers not to step forward on the signing of such and such a contract.

If so, BioShock 4 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive would be a nice additional weapon, especially in the years to come when, finally, Microsoft should start seriously letting go of the dogs. Because if the American manufacturer is for the moment shy in terms of first-party games, the trend should be terribly reversed in the not-so-distant future.


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