Before the release of next-gen consoles is little more than 5 weeks, and every day there are more details about how the console itself (for example, from 1 TB SSD for the new Xbox, a player will have 802 GB — a system is a little less than two hundred) and about the game in particular. The fact that Microsoft sent out in advance of sending large gaming media and prominent figures of the industry, parallel to the removing the embargo on the dissemination of information.

GTA 5 for Xbox Series X not only get the “extended and improved” version next yearbut will be available on the system for backward compatibility (the cover of the game found on the Xbox website in the appropriate section — see the screenshot below). That is, to play “five” and GTA Online on a brand new console in November. However, it is likely that versions of the current consoles will be left without all extensions and improvements of new products. But players will get a full 60 fps and fast loading.

With new technologies, the time for the game to load will be reduced. According to various sources, Red Dead Redemption 2 SeX on Xbox will boot either 90, or 60 seconds faster than the Xbox One X (online drew attention to the fact that sales of improved versions of “Juan” has grown rapidly — people just again confused in the names). Both options require the game to load for 38 seconds, but for some reason GameSpot gives 2 minutes and 8 seconds to download on Xbox One X and Austin Evans (see video below) — 1 minute and 37 second on the same machine. In any case, even half a minute for the new Xbox too much, because other games (Control and Final Fantasy XV) are loaded in the order of 10 seconds instead of 1 minute like it used to. Of course, talking about single modes — download “Online” depends on the quality and speed of Internet connection.
If you believe the guys from Digital Foundry, 60 FPS with no subsidence will enjoy and GTA 4running on the Xbox Series X. For comparison: in the “Quartet” Xbox One X gives out 15-20 frames per second less and the lot Xbox 360 — 30 fps.