Another game of Rockstar Games will be compatible with virtual reality

Studio Video Games Deluxethat by order of the Rockstar Games L. A. Noire has shifted to virtual realitymade a curious statement… two weeks ago (sometimes the public finds what should not be, and sometimes quite a long time not paying attention to what lies on the surface).

Another game of Rockstar Games will be compatible with virtual reality

On his page seven developers (as listed on Linkedin) announced work on porting AAA games Rockstar in VR, and the recruitment of new professionals (the guys from Sydney need programmers and specialists in design and animation). This year, Australians celebrated 7 years of cooperation with the Americans, and this means that over the VR version L. A. Noire worked with 2013. Therefore, it may take a few years until the project was announced to appear on the light.

GTA 6 in a virtual reality? I doubt it. Recall that in the improved “five” there is a view about first-person, and she the game will be on PlayStation 5. Therefore, we, the team set apartment the fact that it will be GTA 5 (probably without the “Online” is too hard to implement).



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