Amnesia Rebirth: launch date and gameplay on this nerve-racking new video

Amnesia Rebirth: release date and gameplay in this stressful new video

After two notably stimulating episodes, the Amnesia saga is about to return with a promising new opus: referred to as Rebirth, this one can be a sequel to The Dark Descent however in a totally totally different setting, this one among a desert destroy populated by ‘unknown creatures. As traditional, it will likely be essential to play the infiltration card to make it out alive and have a superb coronary heart: simply to present you a glimpse of what awaits you, Fricitonal Games has concocted a brand new trailer filled with gameplay.

The icing on the cake: we actually have a launch date, set for subsequent October 20, for this survival-horror scheduled for PC and PlayStation 4. We simply have to attend properly.


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