Almost six months ago, a team of enthusiasts introduced the gaming community to their unique work — porting GTA 3 to the Sega Dreamcast console. It started with launches that were hardly playable, but just a few months later the port offered a more or less decent picture and even received its first mod. Since then, efforts have doubled, the game has been improved in various ways, and the transport optimized…
…And in the last days of the year, the alpha version was released. Anyone interested can visit the project website to download it. There you can find up-to-date information and report any bugs encountered (as they are still quite frequent in early versions, we recommend saving your game progress regularly).
The community has been very positive about the work done. Some players boast that they have already connected a controller from the original Xbox and even created a printable cover version, in case someone wants to put a “branded” disc on their shelf (download).