Space station thriller Observation has landed on Steam and GOG at half worth

Observation, the game that’s akin to 2001: A Space Odyssey if you happen to performed the function of HAL 9000, has exited the Epic Games Store airlock after a 12 months of exclusivity. You can discover the area thriller over on GOG and Steam now, full with a tasty debut low cost.

Somewhere within the neighbourhood of Saturn, you’ll monitor cameras, discover, and clear up puzzles alongside Dr. Emma Fisher. You’re not a human technician, however S.A.M. the area station AI. You’ll flit round between station cameras and use your AI skills to assist maintain your fragile human companion alive.

In his Observation review, Matt discovered it to be equal elements sensible and infuriating.

“Observation is clever, but it’s also astoundingly dumb. You’re placed in a unique perspective, where onscreen inhumanity accentuates your oh-so-human instincts. Then it subverts that! But then it makes you control a sphere that can’t move directly up or down, furthering the nightmare of navigating already labyrinthine spaces. It asks you to do something, without telling you how.”

Despite the frustrations, Matt finally ends up concluding “It’s worth persevering with. When you get stuck though, don’t hesitate to use a walkthrough.”

If area drama is your jam however the Epic Store just isn’t, properly now you’ve bought some new choices. Observation has landed on Steam and GOG the place it’s at the moment an attractive 50% off at £9.74/€10.49/$12.49 till Thursday, May 28th.


devolver digital, No Code, Observation

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