Silent Hill is back — therefore, risk we claim it, is Konami

Pyramid Head walks through the rain and through a pair of metal doors in a still from the Silent Hill 2 remake

Image: Bloober Team/Konami

Prior to the other day’s Silent Hill Transmission showcase, it was commonly approved that Konami, as a video clip game author, had actually dropped from poise to a state of near-total irrelevance. It seems like we’ve been making jokes for several years concerning the primacy of this one-time jukebox rental company’ numerous sidelines, that include casino sites and also gym. Konami hasn’t assisted itself with apparently hopeless lunges at the most up to date technology fads, such as NFTs and also metaverse development. Its last significant game launch — 2021’s eFootball, a rebranding of its troubling Pro Evolution Soccer collection — was an unmitigated disaster.

Most of Konami’s distress go back to 2015, a year that will certainly stay in notoriety for followers of the 1980s and also ’90s greats that made the business’s name: Gradius, Castlevania, Contra, Suikoden, and also, certainly, Metal Gear. 2015 was the year that Konami canceled Silent Hills, a reboot of its valued scary collection by Hideo Kojima and also movie supervisor Guillermo del Toro; permanently pulled Silent Hills’ well-known usable intro P.T. from the PlayStation Store, making it virtually totally hard to reach if you didn’t currently have it mounted; and also performed a protracted and undignified break-up with its celebrity developer Kojima that consisted of removing his name from marketing products for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain and also restricting him from approving an honor for it at The Game Awards.

At the very same time, brand-new games employer Hideki Hayakawa was recommending a shift away from console games toward mobile advancement, the business was reorganizing to drain pipes power far from private workshops like Kojima Productions, and also the Japanese press was assailing its reputation as an employer.

It’s absolutely feasible that Kojima had actually formerly been over-indulged at Konami. But the damages done to the author’s online reputation with gamers — in addition to to its capacity and also undoubtedly determination to make games — was serious. Aside from the basic passiveness towards 2018’s illinformed Metal Gear Survive and also the hardly loved 2019 Contra game Contra: Rogue Corps, the clearest instance of this is that the Silent Hill brand name has actually existed fallow for a whole years. The last games to be launched were Silent Hill: Downpour and also Book of Memories in 2012.

This context made today’s Silent Hill Transmission a make-or-break minute for both the Silent Hill brand name, and also Konami’s games department. Surprisingly, probably, Konami increased to the event.

Several points stood apart concerning the collection of statements: their amount, the breadth of ground they covered, and also — most happily unexpected of all — the spirit of development behind them.

Grouping 5 tasks with each other by doing this absolutely given Konami with a level of cover: None of them would certainly be questioned as carefully as they may be if introduced independently, and also several of them might be rather (read: exceptionally) light on information. But it additionally offered the author a possibility to reveal that it had actually all bases covered, which it comprehends both the financial truths and also innovative chances of contemporary franchise business monitoring. And it actually appears to. Konami! Of all business!

Thus, a remake of fan-favorite Silent Hill 2 blazes a trail, which enables Konami to advise followers of, and also present brand-new gamers to, the collection at its greatest, and also lugs very little innovative danger. But this is coupled with Silent Hill f, which seeks to take the collection right into brand-new area: a various period (the 1960s), a various society (Japan), and also a much less terrible and also mental, much more natural design of scary.

With the motion picture Return to Silent Hill, Konami shows an understanding that no modern amusement franchise business need to limit itself to one tool, along with an eager understanding of what went right the very first time (that is, employing supervisor Christophe Gans, that made the very first, great, Silent Hill film). The very same reasoning is probably behind one of the most suspicious news of the lot, interactive dramatization collection Silent Hill: Ascension.

The most remarkable relocation, however, is Silent Hill: Townfall, a brand-new game made in collaboration with store “indie” author Annapurna Interactive, and also established by No Code (Stories Untold, Observation). Here Konami is recognizing the substantial advancement that smaller sized, indie programmers have actually offered the scary room recently, along with a wise determination to see Silent Hill cross styles and also markets, and also possibly right into speculative types, within video gaming.

No Code’s participation additionally indicates one more unexpected and also welcome advancement: a critical yet strong eye for skill. When information initially damaged that Bloober Team (Layers of Fear, The Medium) was partnering with Konami and also more than likely dealing with Silent Hill, it was simple to be afraid a go back to where the collection had actually ended in 2012 — collaborating with extremely mid-range, journeyman Western workshops like Climax, Vatra, and also Double Helix. But it ends up that Bloober are remake custodians functioning under the careful eye of initial art supervisor Masahiro Ito, while the innovative threats in f will certainly be taken by a remarkable union of skill: aesthetic author Ryukishi07 and also musician kera, backed by a reasonably untried Taiwanese workshop, NeoBards, and also experienced manufacturer Motoi Okamoto. Considering that secure, recognized amounts like Until Dawn designer Supermassive are recognized to have actually been associated with the Silent Hill pitch procedure, it’s terrific to see Konami take a danger on such makers and also seek an unique advancement set up to understand their vision.

It is, certainly, really early days, and also most of these tasks might not work out. But today saw the re-emergence of Konami as a wise and also innovative pressure in video clip games. There had actually been environment-friendly shoots previously this year — GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon, a well obtained upgrade of a vintage Konami game, and also the evident treatment taken with the upcoming Suikoden 1 and 2 remasters — yet the Silent Hill Transmission almost makes it main: Konami, as an entity that appears to respect making awesome video clip games, is back. It’s also no more unimaginable that it could locate something intriguing to do with Metal Gear, blog post-Kojima. Now that’s a turn-around.


Source: Polygon

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