RM Immersed in Experimental Music Video



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RM is fresh off the launch of his brand-new cd, and the BTS super star proceeded the event by going down a brand-new video for the task’s track, “LOST!”

In the Aube Perrie- routed clip, the artist attempts to browse himself as he’s entraped in maze-like structure with different floorings and areas. Eventually, he discovers an airduct that places him on collection of a peculiar talk program, where he’s all of a sudden the music visitor. “I never felt so free before/ You’re goddamn ghost/ I never felt so fine before/ I hit the cloud,” he sings in the carolers. The track, “conveys a hopeful message that even if one is lost, perhaps it may all be fine if lost with friends by one’s side,” per a news release.

RM dropped his 2nd solo initiative, Right Place, Wrong Time, on Friday (May 24). Led by the solitary “Come Back to Me,” the cd likewise includes the alternative-based tunes “Nuts,” “Groin,” “Heaven” and a lot more. Overall, the LP mirrors a “raw and honest presentation of RM’s distinctive sensibility, aesthetics, and beliefs,” per a BigHit launch, and complies with the South Korean musician’s 2022 launching cd Indigo, which got toNo 3 on the Billboard 200.

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Watch RM’s “LOST!” video listed below.



Music News, pop, RM

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