PS5: details for Killzone Shadow Fall and Horizon Zero Dawn

PS5: details for Killzone Shadow Fall and Horizon Zero Dawn

Now that the PS5 is available in 7 countries (United States, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea), Guerrilla Games splits a tweet to provide some details on the PS5 version of two of its games, namely Killzone: Shadow Fall and Horizon: Zero Dawn. Regarding the adventures of Aloy, the Dutch studio let it be known that they can run on the next-gen console thanks to the backwards compatibility, and that the save data is even transferable.

For Killzone: Shadow Fall, if backward compatibility and retention of our progress is also promised, Guerrilla Games adds 60fps as well. At this time, it is not known if a new Killzone is in the pipeline. However, the sequel to Horizon: Zero Dawn, Horizon: Forbidden West, was made official on PS5 last June, knowing that it will also be released on PS4.


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