/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71290554/gofestfinale.0.jpg)
Image: Niantic/The Pok émon Company
Pok émon Go is having its summer season Go Fest 2022 finale occasion on Saturday,Aug 27 from 10 a.m. up until 6 p.m. in your neighborhood time The occasion has a four-step Special Research Task established, in addition to incentives for both gamers that get a ticket as well as those that do not.
Our Pok émon Go Fest Finale 2022 occasion overview notes out the revolving environment generates, ticket-holding rewards, all unique research study actions, as well as various other incentives.
Pok émon Go Fest Finale ticket incentives as well as rewards
If you currently purchased the ticket for the very first component of Pokémon Go Fest 2022, you do not require to get one more ticket. You will certainly require to have a ticket (which sets you back $10.99) to experience the following:
- Shiny Unown N as well as Unown X will certainly be offered for the very first time
- Up to 5 occasion photos
- Up to 9 complimentary day-to-day Raid Passes from rotating health clubs
- An additional 5,000 XP in raid benefits when you finish an in-person raid
- Tripled XP from rotating Pok éStops as well as health clubs
- Halved egg hatch range when eggs are taken into Incubators throughout the occasion duration
- Change Sky Forme Shaymin right into Land Forme Shaymin
- Three ticket-exclusive Special Research tales
If you do deny the ticket, you’ll still have actually accessibility to boosted generates as well as one much shorter Special Research established.
Pok émon Go Fest 2022 Finale Special Research jobs
The initial stage of Pok émon Go Fest 2022’s Finale Special Research is offered to all gamers. The succeeding phases, which use experiences with Ultra Beasts Pheromosa, Buzzwole, Xurkitree, as well as Nihilego, are offered to paid ticket owners as well as will certainly turn out in time.
Stage 1– Intro: “Willow’s Return”
Available to all Pok émon Go gamers beginning at 10 a.m. neighborhood time
- Send 3 Gifts to buddies (3 Nanab Berries)
- Complete 2 Field Research jobs (100 Stardust)
- Spin 3 Pok éStops or Gyms (100 XP)
Reward: 3 Razz Berrys, 25 Pok é Balls, Foongus experience
- Use 3 Berries to assist Catch Pok émon (25 Foongus Candy)
- Power up Pok émon 3 times (1 Charged TM)
- Use a Charged TM (3 Potions)
Reward: 3 Revives, 1 Golden Razz Berry, Munna experience
Stage 2– “A Radiant Reunion”
Available to Go Fest 2022 ticket owners that have actually finished the Intro phase beginning at 12 p.m. neighborhood time
- Evolve 3 Pok émon (1,000 XP)
- Earn 5,000 XP (1 Incense)
- Use an Incense (Combee experience)
Rewards: 3 Silver Pinap Berrys, 25 Great Balls, Avatar Item (URS No Visor)
- Make 5 Nice tosses (25 Combee Candy)
- Catch 10 Pok émon (Pheromosa experience)
- Make a curveball toss (25 Ultra Balls)
Rewards: 1 Star Piece, 1 Sinnoh Stone, Buzzwole experience
Stage 3
Available to Go Fest 2022 ticket owners that have actually finished Stage 2 beginning at 2 p.m. neighborhood time
- Battle 3 Team Go Rocket participants (3 Hyper Potions)
- Defeat 2 Team Go Rocket participants (3 Max Revives)
- Purify 2 Shadow Pok émon (1 Incense)
Rewards: 1 Super Incubator, 25 Pok éballs, Swirlix experience
- Earn 2,000 Stardust (25 Swirlix Candy)
- Hatch an Egg (3 Max Potions)
- Walk 1 kilometres (1 Lucky Egg)
Rewards: 1 Incubator, 3 Rare Candy, Xurkitree experience
Stage 4
Available to Go Fest 2022 ticket owners that have actually finished Stage 3 beginning at 4 p.m. neighborhood time
- Catch 10 Pok émon (1,000 XP)
- Earn a heart with your friend (25 Ultra Balls)
- Take a photo (Munna experience)
Rewards: 1 Lure, 1 Mossy Lure, Shaymin Sky Forme experience
- Auto total (25 Shaymin Candy)
- Auto total (25 Munna Candy)
- Auto total (Nihilego experience)
Rewards: 3 Rare Candy, 1 Premium Raid Pass, Avatar Item (Shaymin Sky Forme t-shirt)
Pok émon Go Fest Finale 2022 revolving Pok émon generate routine
During the totality of the occasion, Pikachu with an unique Shaymin- themed headscarf will certainly additionally be generating in greater numbers.
Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa generates (10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in your neighborhood time)
- Scyther
- Pinsir
- Sudowoodo
- Hitmontop
- Meditite
- Anorith
- Kricketot
- Woobat
- Karrablast
- Unown B, G, N, O, P, S, X (Ticketed Incense just)
- Galarian Mr Mime (Ticketed Incense just)
- Pansage (Ticketed Incense just)
Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole generates (12-2 p.m. in your neighborhood time)
- Machop
- Geodude
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmonchan
- Magmar
- Numel
- Cranidos
- Drilbur
- Axew
- Unown B, G, N, O, P, S, X (Ticketed Incense just)
- Torkoal
- Pansear
Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree generates (2-4 p.m. in your neighborhood time)
- Electabuzz
- Electrike
- Shinx
- Lileep
- Burmy (Sandy)
- Combee
- Foongus
- Joltik
- Shelmet
- Stunfisk
- Unown B, G, N, O, P, S, X (Ticketed Incense just)
- Klink (Ticketed Incense just)
- Panpour (Ticketed Incense just)
Ultra Incursion: Nihilego generates (4-6 p.m. in your neighborhood time)
- Bulbasaur
- Clefairy
- Tentacool
- Chansey
- Tangela
- Omanyte
- Chikorita
- Turtwig
- Burmy (Plant)
- Munna
- Frillish
- Swirlix
- Skrelp
- Unown B, G, N, O, P, S, X (Ticketed Incense just)
- Tropius (Ticketed Incense just)
- Fillish (Ticketed Incense just)
Pok émon Go Fest Finale 2022 raid targets
- Pikachu (Shaymin headscarf)
- Axew
- Rockruff
- Snorlax
- Salamence
- Druddigon
- Dartrix
- Torracat
- Brionne
- Pheromosa (10 a.m. to 12 p.m., 4-6 p.m. in your neighborhood time)
- Buzzwole (12-2 p.m., 4-6 p.m. in your neighborhood time)
- Xurkitree (2-6 p.m. in your neighborhood time)
Source: Polygon