Old School Runescape gamers assert document 16 billion gold bounty after PvP surveillance 600 days in the making

Old School Runescape
(Image credit report: Jagex / Westham)

A team of Old School Runescape gamers effectively located a renowned web content maker in the game’s PvP setting to eliminate him and also assert the largest bounty in the background of the game: an astonishing 16 billion gold items.

Westham (opens up in brand-new tab), the gamer that in fact landed the last impact, just recently published a video clip covering the story to eliminate C Engineer (opens up in brand-new tab), among the best-known YouTubers in the Old School Runescape neighborhood. C Engineer also uploaded his own video (opens up in brand-new tab) narrating the fatality from his point of view, and also both are well worth a watch. 

There’s some necessary history right here. For the previous 600 days or two, C Engineer has actually been playing Old School Runescape on a Hardcore Iron Man account. Iron Men cannot trade or engage with various other gamers, indicating they need to obtain every one of their products and also products themselves. Hardcore Iron Men begin the game with an unique symbol connected to their one life. If they pass away, they shed their Hardcore standing and also come to be normal Iron Men. Your account isn’t erased or anything, yet lots of gamers – particularly material designers – deal with passing away on a Hardcore as completion of the roadway, so this setting significantly increases the risks of the game. 

To cog points up better, C Engineer has actually solely been playing his Hardcore Iron Man in Old School Runescape’s PvP globes. Ordinarily, gamers can just combat each various other in marked Wilderness areas or unique fields, yet as the name suggests, PvP globes essentially transform the entire game globe right into one titan Wilderness where you can be struck anywhere. On top of that, he placed a bounty on his very own head. Fans of C Engineer’s YouTube collection would frequently contribute gold to his major account in order to drive the bounty greater, upping the stake for video clips and also pulling in even more PvP gamers. 

Walking this razor’s side as a Hardcore Iron Man was the entire factor of C Engineer’s long-running video clip collection. He also reached maintaining his on-line standing noticeable, frankly informing potential player-killers what globe he remains in. It was arrogant and also harmful deliberately. “This series could end at any point, and if you are the one to kill my Hardcore Iron Man, you will receive the bounty,” C Engineer claims in his video clip introduction. And he’s constantly made it through – PvP at the very least; he passed away to a mission employer simply weeks ago yet chose to proceed the collection up until a gamer eliminated him – yet ultimately satisfied his suit as the community-funded bounty covered 16 billion general practitioner. 

People have actually been searching C Engineer since he began his account. What allowed Westham and also his team to ultimately capture him was partially Zulrah, among one of the most prominent employers in Old School Runescape. Westham understood that C Engineer’s present game globe was currently noticeable which he was farming Zulrah for a details decline, and also while dealing with in charge, his place can conveniently be validated with a telescope connected to in charge’ sector. 

Armed with this details, Westham’s team scouted every feasible entryway and also getaway path for C Engineer’s Zulrah journey, exterminating contending PKers at the same time. A participant detected C Engineer on among the ships utilized for traveling, utilized a spell to obstruct him from teleporting, and also called the mounties. Westham, using the account Boogaloo Jr at the time, swiftly got here and also inevitably landed the murder impact, safeguarding the 16 billion general practitioner. 

The effective group of Westham, Pip, Eriksnn, Skrib, and also Pimpact divided the bounty in between them for 3.2 billion general practitioner each, which is ample cash to purchase the solitary most pricey thing in Old School Runescape – virtually two times over, also. As you can envision, the Discord babble at the end of Westham’s video clip is an actual reward. 

“Tell him to come [here] right f***ing now! I want the 16 bill!” Westham claims.

“No way we just did that,” an employee includes. 

“We did it!” claims an additional.

Then, flawlessly, a stunned good friend cuts in: “Wait, what’d I miss?” 

Runescape just recently introduced Fresh Start Worlds that hit the reset button on the whole game – and also upgraded them after pay-to-win conflict.  


Source: gamesradar.com

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