No Man’s Sky Echoes Update – version 4.42

No Man’s Sky Echoes Update – version 4.42

Greetings No Man’s Sky players,

We’re genuinely appreciative of your commitment to the Echoes update. A special shoutout to those actively reporting concerns via Zendesk and console crash mechanisms. Acting on your feedback, we’ve pinpointed and remedied numerous issues. Patch 4.42 is already available on all platforms shortly.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements

  • Autophage Related:
    • Resolved an error blocking Void Motes rewards from the Autophage.
    • Autophage presets now correctly display in the Appearance Modifier UI.
    • Rectified Autophage heads lock status from the Singularity expedition.
    • Enhanced Autophage navigation within their camps.
    • Fixed premature Autophage-related entries in the Catalogue.
    • Custom staff assembly UI is now accessible at Harmonic Camps.
  • Visual & UI Adjustments:
    • Enhanced visuals for custom-assembled staff previews.
    • The custom staff assembly’s preview image is now rotatable.
    • Addressed visual glitches with some custom-assembled staffs and holding Multi-Tools.
    • Mended some hover text issues in the Appearance Modifier UI.
    • Improved the readout of Analysis Visor data in VR when using a staff.
  • Battle & Weaponry Adjustments:
    • Fixed an error with anti-freighter torpedo effects on shields.
    • Dreadnought battle syncing improvements in multiplayer.
    • Pirate Dreadnought’s destruction visuals enhanced.
    • During the Dreadnought’s initial battle phase, it now targets smaller ships more assertively.
  • Freighter & Ship Fixes:
    • Players can no longer inadvertently destroy their own freighter.
    • Player freighters’ appearance inconsistencies addressed.
    • Pirate frigates now feature a teleporter for swift returns post-boarding.
    • Guaranteed S-Class salvage from destroyed pirate Dreadnoughts.
  • Mission & Gameplay:
    • Resolved mission text errors in multiplayer Dreadnought battles.
    • Addressed a marker loss issue during The Purge mission.
    • Quick menu access in ships rectified.
  • Audio & Effects:
    • Remedied various audio glitches and some camera shake effect issues.
  • Crashes & Hangs:
    • Numerous crash fixes, including those related to missions, networking, frigates in multiplayer, and UI.
    • Addressed a hang on Xbox consoles and a crash on PS5.
    • Fixed hang scenarios on derelict freighters and other miscellaneous issues.
Thank you for your continued support and feedback. Safe travels across the universe! If you experience any issues, let us know by submitting a bug report.


Echoes, No Man’s Sky