With the arrival in some cinemas around the world of the movie Monster Hunter, Capcom has just formalized its partnership with the feature film by Paul WS Anderson. The latter will take shape with the arrival of the character of Milla Jovovich in the game Monster Hunter World Iceborne, which is none other than Artemis. This will be a special two-part quest, in which hunters will have to face the Dark Diablos present in the film in solo. Then the difficulty will increase with the confrontation with Rathalos in the second part of the quest. Small precision, however: these quests will only be available to players who have reached the Master rank and players who complete the quest will be able to collect new equipment, special armor, new titles, a new background and a pose for the Map. of Guild.
In addition, starting November 27 and for a limited time, all Iceborne players will be able to claim a useful item pack, as a simple login bonus to celebrate the upcoming film.
We mentioned yesterday the arrival of Milla Jovovich as a playable character in Monster Hunter World Iceborne, but know that there is still a brand new trailer for the film from China which proves that the refs to the game will be numerous.
Don’t miss the end! pic.twitter.com/LGyg0uco6z
– Maxime CHAO (@MaximeChao) November 26, 2020