KOF XV: an animated short film by Masami Obari, who directed the movie Fatal Fury

KOF XV: an animated short film by Masami Obari, who directed the movie Fatal Fury

This is news that will make boomers like us jump for joy, but The King of Fighters XV will be the subject of an animated short, directed by the great Masami Obari, the same one who had directed the movie Fatal Fury in 1994. An announcement made by Eisuke Ogura and Yasuyuki Oda just after the reveal of the first trailer for KOF XV. In the process, Masami Obari also allowed to know the good news via his Twitter account, he who has such an atypical pencil stroke and who had delighted fans of the SNK / Neo Geo era in the 90s.

The King of Fighters XV


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