Rockstar Games presents the same four games: GTA: San Andreas gave 66th place (in 2019 she was 58th), Red dead redemption took 37th position (previously – 9th), Gta 5 – 12 (previously – 11), and RDR 2 was placed in 8th place, although two years ago it finished 62nd. GTA: Vice City dropped out of a hundred, but last time it was presented at 79th position.
The editors also shook the top five: number five – Super Metroid (two years ago – 4), four – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (formerly – 2), three – Portal 2 (the position has not changed), two – Super Mario World (formerly the first issue), and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was crowned (5 in 2019). Most likely, the top was updated this way due to changes within the IGN team.