IGN: GTA and RDR among the best ever

In the fall, IGN summed up the results custom voting on the theme of the best game of all time, and on the last day of 2021 published your updated top 100based on the opinions of the authors.

IGN: GTA and RDR among the best ever

Rockstar Games presents the same four games: GTA: San Andreas gave 66th place (in 2019 she was 58th), Red dead redemption took 37th position (previously – 9th), Gta 5 – 12 (previously – 11), and RDR 2 was placed in 8th place, although two years ago it finished 62nd. GTA: Vice City dropped out of a hundred, but last time it was presented at 79th position.

The editors also shook the top five: number five – Super Metroid (two years ago – 4), four – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (formerly – 2), three – Portal 2 (the position has not changed), two – Super Mario World (formerly the first issue), and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was crowned (5 in 2019). Most likely, the top was updated this way due to changes within the IGN team.


Source: gta.com.ua