Hyper Light Drifter releasing this month

Hyper Light Drifter, the gorgeous, enigmatic ARPG from Heart Machine, finally has a release date. On March 31, you can see exactly what Heart Machine has achieved with $650,000—from a Kickstarter target of $27,000.

We’ve looked in on Hyper Light a few times during its development. It was originally pegged for June 2014, but when you find yourself with a spare $623,000 you want to make the most of it. Andy found his preview build a consistent delight, with notes of Fez, Dark Souls and Hotline Miami about it. Tim, meanwhile, said that going on looks alone there are few games so exciting as Hyper Light Drifter.

There’s a lot of pressure on Heart Machine, but the new trailer is enchanting as ever, and I can’t wait to try it out.


Action, Hyper Light Drifter, Indie, News

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