Released almost a year ago (it was July 17, 2020), Ghost of Tsushima was released on PS4 and became one of the greatest commercial successes of the PS4. Also, to honor the last excluded from the machine, the developers of Sucker Punch have continued to work to release a Director’s Cut version, freshly announced by Sony Interactive Entertainment, almost bang on for the game’s first anniversary. This version ” extended “will be released on both PS4 and PS5 on August 20 and will above all allow you to experience a new adventure thanks to the arrival of a new island: that of Iki, which is located in the south-east of the island of Tsushima. But we can also find technical improvements, such as new features for photo mode, additions for accessibility, etc.
For people who opt for the PS5 version of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, know that they will be able to take advantage of the new features of the PS5 such as support for DualSense which will highlight haptic feedback and adaptive triggers; probably with the bow and the use of the string, it should be okay. The sound will also be improved, with better spatialization and a more immersive experience, we are promised. Also note that it will be possible to switch from the PS4 version of Ghost of Tsushima to the PS4 or PS5 version of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut. As for those who pre-order Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on the PS Store, they will be able to start their adventure on Ghost of Tsushima before launch, on the PS4 version. The backup transfer will be possible elsewhere. And hop, from August 20, players will unlock access to additional content and can resume their adventure. Magic.