Euro Truck Simulator 2: Update 1.49 Now Available

Euro Truck Simulator 2: Update 1.49 Now Available

Exciting news for Euro Truck Simulator 2 players! The much-awaited 1.49 update is now live on Steam, bringing a mix of bug fixes, enhancements, and new features. Here’s a quick rundown:

Thank You, Beta Testers!
A big shoutout to everyone who participated in the Open Beta. Your feedback and bug reports were invaluable in refining this update.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Stunning Night Skies: The Moon is back in the night sky, adding realism to your journeys. The challenge of integrating the Moon, including its lighting effects and reflections, has been successfully tackled.
  • Dynamic Stars and HDR Skyboxes: Stars now twinkle realistically, and the skyboxes are upgraded to High Dynamic Range, making the night sky more vibrant.
  • Enhanced Weather Effects: Look out for more immersive thunderstorms with visible lightning, and keep an eye on the night sky for special surprises in certain regions.
  • Special Showcase Video: Don’t miss our special video highlighting these updates!

Used Truck Dealers
Fulfilling a popular request, you can now purchase used trucks from the main menu. These budget-friendly options come with a realistic wear and tear system, indicated by a star rating and detailed damage reports.

Enhanced Damage and Repair System
The update introduces a more complex damage system:

  • Standard Damage: Repairable as before.
  • Parts Wear: Significant wear and tear may require part replacements.
  • Permanent Wear: Represents overall aging, fixable only through Total Restoration.

This system allows for more strategic decisions regarding vehicle maintenance.

Keybind Modifiers
Customize your controls with new Keybind Modifiers. You can now use combinations like Shift + L for actions, and differentiate between short and long key presses. This feature extends to controllers as well.

Automatic Headlights and High Beams

  • Automatic Headlights: Activates based on ambient light levels.
  • Automatic High Beams: Adjusts high beams in the presence of other vehicles.

Both features add convenience and realism to your driving experience.


  • HDR Skyboxes, Moon, and new weather effects.
  • Automatic headlights for vehicles.
  • Additions like used truck dealers and keybind modifiers.

Enjoy these new features and happy trucking!