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Creator of Star Trek: Lower Decks to Transform Sega’s Golden Axe into Animated Comedy

Filed under: Entertainment TV Star Trek: Lower Decks’ developer is transforming Sega’s Golden Axe right into a computer animated funny Comedy Central orders a 10-episode collection from Mike McMahan, adjusting the hack-and-slash standard By Michael McWhertor@MikeMcWhertor Apr 17, 2024, 3:31…
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Thelma the Unicorn: The Potential Animated Heir to Napoleon Dynamite

Filed under: News Trailers Thelma the Unicorn may be the computer animated follower to Napoleon Dynamite Napoleon Dynamite writer-director Jared Hess discusses why By Petrana Radulovic Apr 15, 2024, 11:01 am EDT / new Petrana Radulovic is a home entertainment…
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