Apex Legends Turns Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Buster Sword into an Overpowered Weapon

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Apex Legends
(Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Turns out the Buster Sword in Apex Legends is incredibly overpowered.

Earlier this week, the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth-themed event in Apex Legends kicked off, complete with the iconic Buster Sword as a brand-new melee weapon. You might think bringing a sword to a gunfight would be a bad move, but as players have discovered, Cloud’s weapon arguably packs a bigger punch than any gun in Respawn’s shooter.

Just below you can see someone cleaving their way through an enemy Horizon player in just three hits. There’s barely anything the Horizon player can do to fight back – it even looks like they’ve got Epic-tier armor equipped, but that’s apparently nothing compared to the Buster Sword’s damage output.

Elsewhere in the clip below, one player absolutely “spanks” an enemy player with relentless Buster Sword strikes, as one commenter succinctly put it. “Pls tell me this is a bug,” responds another commenter, to which we can sadly confirm it is a not a bug, but a deliberate gameplay feature.

Marathon associate world designer Collin MacGregor, in the clip below, shows it’s near-effortless to put an entire team of three enemies in the ground with Cloud’s sword. MacGregor truly makes it look like putting a hot knife through butter, and we can’t help but feel a little bad for the opposing squad.

Finally, the streamer below shows off the airborne move again, only this time with the added clip of them brutally chasing down an Octane player with the Buster Sword. Did the Octane player forget they can just sprint away from a sword? We’d be a little flustered too, truth be told.

Truly, the Buster Sword looks more like a Busted Sword in these clips. We wonder if Respawn will be quick on the case to reduce the sword’s damage output, or if it’ll possibly even reduce the rate at which the sword can lash out at foes. 

As for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Square Enix’s remake sequel will launch next month on February 29. You can read our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth preview for a look at what to expect from the new game.

You can also check out our new games 2024 guide for a look ahead at all the other fresh releases coming up for the year. 


Source: gamesradar.com

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