A week has passed since the world has witnessed plum gta 6. This set off a chain of events. We deal with those that have not yet been covered.
- Rockstar Games is interested in an Investigative Analyst. Vacancy was opened at the beginning of summer, but edited after the incident with GTA 6.
- Developers from other studios responded to the criticism of some players (they say that the alpha version does not look very good) by posting footage of how their hits looked at an early stage of creation. For example, an employee of Remedy, longtime associates of rock stars, showed Control graphics long before its release.
- Now one of the most discussed topics regarding the “six” is the budget of the game. The figures that have surfaced, $500 million and $2 billion, may be at least partly true. At one time, GTA 5 was spent more than 250 million (This already includes marketing costs, which are about half of the amount indicated), and Red Dead Redemption 2 cost almost twice as much. A sixth of Grand Theft Auto is expected to surpass those figures, but to 2 billion?.. That’s literally the budget of all the highest-grossing comic book films in recent years combined.
Source: gta.com.ua