A New Horizon

Starting right now, CS:GO’s Panorama UI is energetic by default for gamers on all supported working methods. If you haven’t already tried it out, soar right into a sport and see what’s new!

Horizon Case

Today we’re additionally launching the Horizon Case, that includes 17 new neighborhood weapon finishes, together with 4 all-new knives!

.ssArrowLeft { cursor:pointer; place:absolute; backside:6px; left:7px; width:30px; peak:30px; background-image:url(‘http://media.steampowered.com/apps/csgo/blog/images/arrows.png’); background-position:backside left; z-index:100; } .ssArrowLeft:hover { background-position:high left; } .ssArrowRight { cursor:pointer; place:absolute; backside:6px; proper:6px; width:30px; peak:30px; background-image:url(‘http://media.steampowered.com/apps/csgo/blog/images/arrows.png’); background-position:backside proper; z-index:100; } .ssArrowRight:hover { background-position:high proper; } .sliderContainer { place:relative; width:520px; peak:355px; margin-bottom:7px; overflow:hidden; }

$j(window).load(operate () { $j(‘#horizon_slider’).cycle({ fx: ‘scrollHorz’, velocity: 200, subsequent: ‘#horizon_right’, prev: ‘#horizon_left’, pause: 1, pager: 0, timeout: 3500 }); });


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