Почитай этот пост перед тем, как сраться с тиммейтомОскорблённый игрок ArcheAge ..

Read this post before getting into a fight with a teammate

An offended ArcheAge player traveled 1,500 kilometers to smash his opponent’s head with a hammer.

Edward Kang tracked down his foe’s address and journeyed from New Jersey to Florida, where he set up an ambush at the enemy’s house. But it didn’t go as planned — the Asian Gosling couldn’t knock out the victim with a head strike. A fight ensued, and the commotion attracted the victim’s stepfather. Together, they overpowered the intruder and restrained him until the police arrived.

Now, Kang is in the Nassau County jail, facing charges of second-degree attempted murder and breaking and entering.

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