Joi Brown Named Head of Strategic Partnerships at ICM Partners

Joi Brown has been named head of strategic partnerships at ICM Partners. Most recently senior vp of marketing and brand partnerships at Atlantic Records, Brown begins her new appointment on Sept. 7. She will also continue to operate Culture Creators, the mentorship organization she founded in 2016 to foster equal access and opportunities in the entertainment industry for people of color.

In her newly created role, New York-based Brown will work across all departments at ICM Partners. In announcing Brown’s appointment, Mark Siegel, worldwide head of concerts, Adam Schweitzer, managing director of talent and branding, and Lorrie Bartlett, co-head of talent at ICM Partners issued a joint statement. (Brown will report to all three.)

“We have followed and admired Joi’s career for many years and are excited on many levels to bring her into the ICM Partners family,” they said. “In addition to being a tremendous marketing executive who will add great value to our clients in all departments, with Culture Creators, she has become a magnet in the Black community to connect aspiring executives with the leaders of our industry. We fully support her efforts and look forward to her leading that organization to new heights.”

Brown brings 21 years of marketing experience at Atlantic, where she collaborated with brands such as MasterCard, LVMH, L’Oreal, CoverGirl, Puma, McDonald’s and Google Pixel on strategic campaigns involving TV, print, radio and online components, tour sponsorships, music licensing and video product placement. Atlantic artists that she worked with include Bazzi, Cardi B, Charli XCX, Janelle Monae, Kehlani, K. Michelle, Lizzo, Missy Elliott, Rico Nasty, Rita Ora and Wiz Khalifa.

“I am so excited to join ICM Partners and get the opportunity to work across all departments to connect our renowned clients with strategically targeted brands,” Brown said in ICM’s release. “The marketing world is alive with possibilities, and I can’t wait to dig in and get working for ICM’s tremendous clients.”

Brown tells Billboard that her immediate plans are to “build out a full team” over the next 12-18 months as she begins working across ICM’s music, TV, film, sports and other departments.

Her plans also include nurturing a legacy of young executive talents. Under Brown’s stewardship, Culture Creators has launched several platforms during the last five years to promote and salute diversity and inclusion within the music industry and beyond. Those platforms include its annual flagship event, the Innovators and Leaders Awards brunch, as well as the 50 Empowered Women campaign in partnership with Elle magazine and the C2 Summit for HBCU students.

“There aren’t many opportunities where you get to roll into a corporate situation with an entrepreneurial spirit,” says Brown. “This opportunity marries my day job with my passion for driving culture and bringing people of color to the table. I’m looking forward to building and growing together with ICM.”


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