Destiny 2: Xur location and stock, August 9-12

Xur is again this week and needs a few of your shards.

Destiny 2 payers ought to pay Xur a go to this week look over the grenade launcher, two units of gauntlets, and chest armor he has in inventory.

The man has arrange store on Nessus and is hanging out on the Barge.

Here’s what he has on the market this week.


Xur stock for August 9-12

The Exotic Weapon this week is as soon as once more The Colony. This Void grenade launcher fires little robotic spiders as a substitute of ordinary explosives, and so they chase after close by enemies. It reloads itself at the same time as you’re holding, and based on Destiny 2 lore, the spiders are working into the chamber on their very own. Sounds fairly cool, when you don’t have it already.


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