Fortnite week 4 challenges — Downtown Drop, Fortnite Season 9 challenges tips

Fortnite week 4 challenges — Downtown Drop, Fortnite Season 9 challenges tips

A month into Fortnite Season 9 and the future sure has been interesting for the challenges. With daily updates to the Fortbytes, that means a whole lot of stuff you might miss out on, and so we’ll be cataloguing all of the challenges that will appear in this Season; yes, including the Fortbytes.

Now into its ninth season, Fortnite is a global juggernaut when it comes to just how popular it still is. There’s still a lot to learn about not only getting that all-important “Victory Royale”, but also the changes to the map as the seasons progress. For some beginner’s tips, make sure you go to our main Fortnite guide hub for every single thing you need to know to get started.

Fortnite week 4 challenges guide (Season 9)

Our guide will have all of Fortnite Season 9’s challenges, what you get in the Battle Pass for the new season, as well as an archive of the previous seasons and limited time challenges – beginning with the start of Season 7.

Fortnite Season 9

Leaping from the Battle Bus in Season 9 will show some rather unfamiliar sights. We already know that Tilted Towers and Retail Row were obliterated by the volcano towards the end of Season 8, but from the trailer, it seems that it erupted once more and caused a lot more damage. It’s been built up a bit with Neo Tilted and Mega Mall replacing the two areas, but what this means for the map overall is therefore uncertain at this point, but stay tuned to our Fortnite locations guide as we will be updating it with all the Season 9 locations.

The setting on the other hand is more clear – a future that’s a weird mix of Blade Runner and Sunset Overdrive. That means there’s a lot of neon colours, devices for zipping across the map, such as air vents and “Slipstreams”, and a new shotgun variant. You can get the full lowdown on what Season 9 has to offer in our Fortnite Season 9 guide.

Remember that as of the previous season, you can get the help of your friends to complete challenges. All you need to do is go into the challenge page, click onto the challenge you’d like assistance with, and click the “Party Assist” button. This is particularly useful if you’re struggling with some of the combat challenges and you’re playing alongside more experienced players. Here are the currently available challenges in Season 9:

Fortnite Week 4 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Deal damage with Sniper Rifles to opponents N/A 500 Free
Dance inside various structures (Staged Challenge) Fortnite holographic Tomatohead, holographic Durrr Burger, and Dumpling Head locations Stage 1: Dance inside a holographic Tomato head
Stage 2: Dance inside a holographic Durrr Burger head
Stage 3: Dance on top of a giant dumpling head
Legendary Weapon eliminations N/A 3 Free
Destroy a Loot Carrier in different matches N/A 3 (Head to locations with Gold Writing on them) Battle Pass
Land at five locations (Staged Challenge) N/A Stage 1: Polar Peak
Stage 2: Lazy Lagoon
Stage 3: Salty Springs
Stage 4: The Block
Stage 5: Lonely Lodge
Battle Pass
Eliminate opponents in Haunted Hills or Dusty Divot N/A 3 Battle Pass
Visit different named locations in a single match N/A 5 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 3 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Vehicle tricks (Staged Challenge) Fortnite vehicles Stage 1: Land a trick with a Driftboard.
Stage 2: Get 3 seconds of airtime with a Quad Crasher
Stage 3: Destroy opponent structures with a vehicle (3)
Search chests at Lonely Lodge or Polar Peak N/A 7 Free
Deal damage to an opponent within 10 seconds after using a Slipstream Fortnite Ride The Slipstreams 200 Free
Visit two locations in a single match (Staged Challenge) N/A Stage 1: Happy Hamlet and Shifty Shafts.
Stage 2: Sunny Steps and Dusty Divot
Stage 3: Haunted Hills and Salty Springs
Battle Pass
Throw the Flying Disc toy and catch it before it lands. Flying Disc unlocked at Battle Pass Level 35 1 Battle Pass
Explosive Weapon Eliminations N/A 3 Battle Pass
Deal damage with different weapons in a single match. N/A 5 Battle Pass

Fortnite Downtown Drop challenges

Two outfits plus style challenges available for 1800 V-Bucks.
Challenges are all completed in the Downtown Drop mode and are available until 03/06/2019 — 22:59am BST

Challenge Guide link Number required Reward
Complete any 1 challenge to earn the reward item N/A 1 Back Board
Complete all 13 challenges to earn the reward item N/A 13 Back Board (Sweaty)
Change the color of 1000 tiles. N/A 1000 Back Board (Rex)
Dance or emote between two food trucks. N/A 1 Gameface (Spray)
Find Jonesy hidden behind a fence. N/A 1 Wings (Spray)
Collect a basketball, coin, and shoe in a single match. N/A 3 Back Board (Slurp)
Find Jonesy in the sewers N/A 1 G.O.A.T (Spray)
Search O-N-F-I-R-E Letters N/A 6 Back Board (Cuddle)
Find Jonesy near the basketball court, near the rooftops, and in the back of a truck N/A 3 Back Board (Banana)
Go faster than 30 through both speed traps N/A 2 Slam Dunk (Spray)
Hit any of the trickjumps on eithre the crane, elevated train, or fence. N/A 1 Back Board (Kevin)
Jump through all 6 flaming hoops N/A 6 Back Board (Fishstick)
Find 2 hidden shortcuts N/A 2 Back Board (Drift)
COMING SOON N/A N/A Back Board (Disco)
COMING SOON N/A N/A Back Board (Food)

Fortnite Week 2 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Launch off air vents in different matches Fortnite Air Vents locations 5 Free
Land at various locations N/A Stage 1: Snobby Shores
Stage 2: Fatal Fields
Stage 3: Sunny Steps
Stage 4: Dusty Divot
Stage 5: Happy Hamlet
Eliminate opponents in Sunny Steps or Shifty Shafts N/A 3 Free
Deal damage with Pistols to opponents N/A 500 Battle Pass
Visit an oversized Phone, a big Piano, and a giant Dancing Fish trophy Fortnite oversized phone, big piano, and giant dancing fish trophy locations 3 Battle Pass
Search a chest in different Named Locations in a single match N/A 3 Battle Pass
Eliminate an opponent from certain distances away. N/A Stage 1: Eliminate an opponent from at least 50m away
Stage 2: Eliminate an opponent from at least 75m away
Stage 3: Eliminate an opponent from at least 100m away
Battle Pass

Fortnite week 1 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Ride the Slip Stream around Neo Tilted (Staged Challenge) Fortnite Ride The Slipstreams Stage 1: Ride the Slip Stream around Neo Tilted
Stage 2: Ride the Slip Stream around Mega Mall
Visit all Sky Platforms Fortnite Sky Platform locations 7 Free
Deal damage to an opponent within 10 seconds after using a Shadow Bomb N/A 200 Free
Pick up a Legendary Item in different matches N/A 5 Battle Pass
Search chests at Lucky Landing or Loot Lake N/A 7 Battle Pass
Scoped Weapon Eliminations N/A 3 Battle Pass
Deal damage to opponents from at least 2 stories above N/A Stage 1: Deal 300 damage to opponents from at least 2 stories above
Stage 2: Deal 200 damage to opponents from at least 4 stories above
Stage 3: Deal 100 damage to opponents from at least 6 stories above
Battle Pass

A lot of Rox Sprays on one wall near an underpass in Neo Tilted. The Fortbyte is active.

Fortnite Fortbyte challenges

Fortnite Fortbyte locations – Click here to look at the full Fortbyte challenge list and the locations for each of the ones on the map.

Previously available challenges in Season 9

Fortnite Wick’s Bounty challenges

Challenges are available until 21/05/2019 — 07:59am BST

Challenge Guide link Number required Reward
Complete any 5 challenges to earn the reward item. N/A 5 Gold Token (Back Bling)
Win a match of Wick’s Bounty N/A 1 One Shot (Glider)
Play matches of Wick’s Bounty N/A 5 Boogeyman (Wrap)
Collect Gold Tokens N/A 120 500 XP
Collect Gold Tokens in a single match N/A 20 500 XP
Deal damage with the Combat Shotgun N/A 500 500 XP
Deal damage with the Tactical Assault Rifle N/A 500 500 XP

Loading screen locations with Week 1 and Week 3 circled.

Click to enlarge.

Fortnite Season 9 loading screens

Finally, here are the loading screens for Season 9’s challenges, along with the specific location on the map. Click the images below to see the full size image.

Season 9 Week 1 loading screen 

The loading screen image has some coordinates on the mini-gun. These are “I5, I6, J5, and J6”. Given how this is positioned, you’ll need to head to where the grid reference will cross over. Use your map to work out where you need to head to and you’ll eventually find a small patch of gravel aside from the path to the west of the Abandoned Mansion. The Battle Star will appear here.

Season 9 Week 2 loading screen

This one is covered in more detail in our Fortnite Fortbyte locations guide as the reward is a Fortbyte piece.

Season 9 Week 3 loading screen

The third week has a loading screen with a lot of very good dogs admiring another dog dressed in skater gear. If you look very closely at the graffiti underneath the dogs with red and green bandanas, there is a drawing of a bunch of cars piled up on top of another. This is in reference to the pile of cars on a trailer just outside of Junk Junction. Head over to Grid Reference B2 to find it at the southern-most entrance. Scale to the top to find your prize.

Fortnite challenges tips

A lot of the challenges in Fortnite revolve around getting kills and damage with certain weapons, possibly in certain locations, or just merely landing in locations on the map. Here are a couple of tips aimed to help you in completing those challenges.

  • Season 9 introduces a new type of challenge called “Fortbytes”, which require you to use clues to find all 100 hidden collectables throughout the map. A guide will be coming for how to find all the Fortbytes, so stay tuned.
  • Season 8 introduced “Party Assist”. Before a match, select a daily or weekly challenge for you to be able to complete it.
  • For the various weapon challenges, your best bet is to compete in a Limited Time Mode (LTM) that features respawns. Since all damage is cumulative during a match, even those that say “in a Single Match”, you should be able to at least have a good attempt to complete that challenge.
  • In challenges that require eliminations in specific locations, some areas are better than others. Tilted Towers and Pleasant Park are very popular locations to drop into, so if you’re looking for a less popular area to descend into, try for the second area.
  • Make sure that you have completed matches rather than quitting as soon as you finish you have done your task. Some challenges require the match to be finished before it will count.

What you get with the Season 9 Battle Pass

You should probably know a bit more about the Battle Pass itself. Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode is free to play, with a fair number of challenges being free to complete, giving you a taste of what the Battle Pass challenges have to offer. If you were lucky to complete enough of the challenges in the Overtime challenge set, you got this season for free, but the Battle Pass for each season is usually priced at 950 V-Bucks. This now means forking out £7.99, €9.99, and $9.99 respectively to purchase 1000 V-Bucks, leaving you with 50 V-Bucks left over, but they usually come with a few unlocks to begin with.

When you purchase the Season 9 Battle Pass, you’ll unlock two skins – Sentinel and Rox. Both of these are “progressive outfits”, meaning that you can unlock more styles for them as you gain experience. This Season you’ll also be able to buy a “Battle Bundle”, which unlocks 25 tiers automatically. This will cost you 2800 V-Bucks and automatically nets you:

  • Bunker Jonesy outfit
  • Sentinel wrap
  • Ripe Rippers Harvesting Tool
  • Turbo Spin Glider
  • Ripe Wrap
  • 300 V-Bucks
  • 1 Music Track
  • 70% Bonus Season match XP
  • 20% Bonus Season friend match XP
  • and more.

You’ll also unlock more stuff as you play matches, either through levels or completing each of the individual challenges. Challenges are unlocked as the season progresses, though once the season is over, the challenges are gone forever, so you’ll need to get in quick. You can also throw some more money (150 V-Bucks per Tier level) to unlock the next rank, but it’s not advisable to do so unless there is a particular skin coming up that you really, really, really want. The exception to this are the style challenges which stay unlocked and able to be completed after the season finishes.

However, some of you are probably wanting to know how to spend the least amount of money on Fortnite. If you’d like one tip, try not to spend V-Bucks if you want to maximise your investment. It’s entirely possible to save up V-Bucks as you progress through the ranks until you can afford the next season.

What were the previous Challenges?

Please note that these challenge guides are for challenges no longer available to complete in the game.

Season 8 challenges

Fortnite Season 8

Season 8 began on 28th February 2019 and introduces a Pirate theme. In a huge shakeup to the northern part of the map, it seems that Wailing Woods, Tomato Temple, and Lazy Links have been jettisoned out of existence thanks to the rise of a volcano and flooding of the golf course. The Block has also moved to the north-western side of the island. In place of all of these regions are two new named areas: Lazy Lagoon is directly replacing Lazy Links, and Sunny Steps which is north-east of the massive volcano over the top of Wailing Woods. For more on the changes themselves and how they affect the map itself, you can head to Ollie’s Fortnite locations guide.

You can also now get the help of your friends to complete challenges, both daily and weekly. All you need to do is go into the challenge page, click onto the challenge you’d like assistance with, and click the “Party Assist” button. This is particularly useful if you’re struggling with some of the combat challenges and you’re playing alongside more experienced players.

Fortnite Season 8 Overtime challenges

Available until 09/05/2019 — 07:59am BST

Challenge Guide link Number required Reward
Complete any 6 challenges to earn the reward item. N/A 6 Season 8 Loading Screen
Reach Battle Pass Tier 23 (Staged Challenge) N/A Reach Battle Pass Tier 23
Complete 2 Free Overtime challenges
Sidewinder (Dark) Skin
Reach Battle Pass Tier 71 (Staged Challenge) N/A Reach Battle Pass Tier 71
Complete 4 Free Overtime challenges
Assemble Loading screen
Reach Battle Pass Tier 87 (Staged Challenge) N/A Reach Battle Pass Tier 87
Complete 6 Free Overtime challenges
Shield banner
Collect Coins in Featured Creative Islands N/A 20 1000 XP
Place Top 10 in Squads with a friend N/A 3 1000 XP
Deal damage to opponents N/A 1000 1000 XP
Place Top 15 in Duos with a friend. N/A 3 1000 XP
Outlast opponents N/A 500 1000 XP
Place Top 25 in Solo N/A 3 1000 XP

Fortnite Week 10 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Launch through flaming hoops with a cannon. Fortnite Pirate Camp locations (For cannon locations) 3 Free
Harvest materials in a single match (Staged Challenge) N/A Stage 1: 500 wood
Stage 2: 400 stone
Stage 3: 300 metal
Eliminate opponents at Tilted Towers or The Block N/A 3 Free
Deal damage with an Infantry Rifle or Heavy Assault Rifle N/A 500 Battle Pass
Search the treasure map signpost in Junk Junction (Staged Challenge) Fortnite Junk Junction map location Stage 1: Search the treasure map signpost in Junk Junction
Stage 2: Follow the treasure map signpost in Junk Junction.
Battle Pass
Deal damage within 10 seconds of landing after using a Volcano Vent. Fortnite Air Vents locations 100 Battle Pass
Eliminate an opponent from closer than 5m away N/A 2 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 9 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Land at 5 locations (Staged Challenge) N/A Stage 1: Loot Lake
Stage 2: Lucky Landing
Stage 3: Salty Springs
Stage 4: Lonely Lodge
Stage 5: Haunted Hills
Search chests at Polar Peak of Lonely Lodge N/A 7 Free
Ride 3 different Volcano Vents without landing Fortnite Air Vents locations 1 Free
Dance between certain locations (Staged Challenge) Fortnite Ice Sculpture, Dinosaurs, and Hot Springs dance locations Stage 1: Dance between three ice sculptures
Stage 2: Dance between three dinosaurs
Stage 3: Dance between four hot springs
Battle Pass
Deal damage to opponents from below N/A 500 Battle Pass
Revive a teammate at a Reboot Van N/A 1 Battle Pass
Eliminate an opponent in different matches N/A 5 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 8 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Search the treasure map signpost found in Paradise Palms (Staged challenge) Fortnite Paradise Palms treasure map Stage 1: Search the treasure map signpost found in Paradise Palms.

Stage 2: Search the X on the treasure map signpost in Paradise Palms.

Use Vending Machines in different matches N/A 3 Free
Deal damage to opponents while using at least one balloon N/A 100 Free
Search Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces under bridges and in caves Fortnite Jigsaw Puzzle locations 7 Battle Pass
Dial the Durrr Burger number on the big telephone west of Fatal Fields (Staged challenge) Fortnite Durrr Burger & Pizza Pit Big Telephones Stage 1: Dial the Durrr Burger number on the big telephone west of Fatal Fields.

Stage 2: Dial the Pizza Pit number on the big telephone east of The Block.

Battle Pass
Eliminate opponents at Dusty Divot or Lucky Landing N/A 7 Battle Pass
Eliminate an opponent from at least 50m away N/A 2 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 7 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Deal damage with a Pickaxe to opponents N/A 100 Free
Visit two named locations in a single match N/A Stage 1: Junk Junction and The Block
Stage 2: Pleasant Park and Dusty Divot
Stage 3: Happy Hamlet and Snobby Shores
Visit Pirate Camps in a single match Fortnite Pirate Camp locations 3 Free
Deal damage to players from above N/A 500 Battle Pass
Search chests at Loot Lake or Snobby Shores N/A 7 Battle Pass
Deal damage while on or to those riding ziplines N/A Stage 1: Deal damage to opposing players while riding a zipline.
Stage 2: Deal damage to opposing players who are riding a zipline.
Battle Pass
Eliminate opponents in different named locations N/A 5 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 6 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Visit a Wooden Rabbit, a Stone Pig, and a Metal Llama Fortnite wooden rabbit, stone pig, and metal llama locations 3 Free
Visit the 5 highest elevations on the island (find the signs) Fortnite highest elevation locations 5 Free
Eliminate opponents at Lazy Lagoon or Frosty Flights N/A 3 Free
Land at 5 locations (Staged) N/A Stage 1: Fatal Fields
Stage 2: Lazy Lagoon
Stage 3: Shifty Shafts
Stage 4: Frosty Flights
Stage 5: Sunny Steps
Battle Pass
Search where the knife points on the treasure map loading screen Fortnite Treasure Map loading screen knife location 1 Battle Pass
Get an elimination with the Flint-knock Pistol or Boom Bow N/A 1 Battle Pass
Use 2 different throwable items in a single match. N/A 2 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 5 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Deal damage with Scoped Weapons to opponents N/A 200 Free
Search chests at Paradise Palms or Shifty Shafts. N/A 7 Free
Complete a lap of the race track in Happy Hamlet N/A 1 Free
Get 15 bounces in a single throw with the Bouncy Ball toy. N/A Just build a closed shelter with a roof and throw the ball. Battle Pass
Stage 1: Gain shields from Mushrooms
Stage 2: Gain shields from small shield potions
Stage 3: Gain shields from shield potions
N/A Stage 1: 50
Stage 2: 100
Stage 3: 100
Battle Pass
Use a Volcano Vent, a zipline, and a vehicle in the same match. N/A 3 Battle Pass
Eliminate opponents at Pirate Camps Fortnite Pirate Camp locations 3 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 4 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Land at specific locations in a match N/A Stage 1: Tilted Towers
Stage 2: Junk Junction
Stage 3: Retail Row
Stage 4: Happy Hamlet
Stage 5: Pleasant Park
Use The Baller in different matches. Fortnite vehicles 5 Free
Launch yourself through structures with a Pirate Cannon Fortnite vehicles 25 Free
Get an elimination with a Scoped weapon and a Suppressed weapon N/A 2 Battle Pass
Search Buried Treasure N/A 2 Battle Pass
Eliminate opponents at Happy Hamlet or Pleasant Park N/A 3 Battle Pass
Outlast opponents in a single match N/A Stage 1: Outlast 60 opponents in a single match
Stage 2: Outlast 70 opponents in a single match
Stage 3: Outlast 80 opponents in a single match
Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 3 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Visit two locations in a single match. N/A Stage 1: Fatal Fields and Salty Springs in a single match.
Stage 2: Haunted Hills and Tilted Towers in a single match.
Stage 3: Frosty Flights and Loot Lake in a single match.
Stage 1: Destroy Cacti in the desert
Stage 2: Search ammoboxes in the Snow biome
Stage 3: Search chests in the Jungle
N/A Stage 1: 30
Stage 2: 7
Stage 3: 5
Place different Trap Slot items in a single match N/A 2 Free
Search where the magnifying glass sits at the Treasure Map loading screen Fortnite Treasure Map loading screen Battle Star location 1 Battle Pass
Search chests at Sunny Steps or Fatal Fields N/A 7 Battle Pass
Deal Headshot damage to opponents N/A 500 Battle Pass
Get an elimination with an SMG, Pistol, and a Sniper Rifle N/A 3 (1 of each) Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 2 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Land at 5 different locations. N/A Stage 1: The Block
Stage 2: Dusty Divot
Stage 3: Polar Peak
Stage 4: Snobby Shores
Stage 5: Paradise Palms
Deal damage to descending Supply Drops. N/A 200 Free
Eliminations at Salty Springs or Haunted Hills N/A 3 Free
Gain health from items. Fortnite healing items Stage 1: Gain 25 health from apples.
Stage 2: Gain 50 health from campfires.
Stage 3: Gain 75 health from Med Kits.
Battle Pass
Visit the furthest North, South, East, and West points of the island. Fortnite furthest north, furthest south, furthest east, and furthest west 4 Battle Pass
Deal damage to opponents with a Pirate Cannon Fortnite vehicles 100 Battle Pass
Search a chest in different Named Locations in a single match. N/A 3 Battle Pass

Fortnite Week 1 challenges

Challenge Guide link Number required Type of Challenge
Visit all Pirate Camps Fortnite Pirate Camp locations 7 Free
Search chests at Retail Row or Junk Junction N/A 7 Free
Deal damage with two weapons in a single match. N/A Stage 1: Shotgun and Explosive Weapon
Stage 2: Pistol and Assault Rifle
Stage 3: Sniper Rifle and SMG
Visit a giant face in the desert, the jungle, and the snow Fortnite Giant Face locations 3 Battle Pass
Use a Volcano Vent in different matches Fortnite Air Vents locations 5 Battle Pass
Get an elimination with a Shotgun, Assault Rifle, and Explosive Weapon N/A 3 (1 of each) Battle Pass
Deal damage to a vehicle driven by an opponent. N/A 200 Battle Pass

Other challenges in Season 8

Air Royale

Available until 24/04/2019 — 11:59am BST

Challenge Guide link Number required Reward
Complete all 9 challenges to earn the reward item N/A 9 Callsign Hornet wrap
Deal damage to opposing Stormwings with an SMG or Minigun N/A 4000 500 XP
Collect different rarities of Sky Chests as a pilot N/A Common (White)
Uncommon (Green)
Blue (Rare)
Purple (Epic)
Orange (Legendary)
500 XP
Play matches of Air Royale N/A 7 Callsign Skull wrap
Deal damage to opposing Stormwings with Pistols N/A 2000 500 XP
Destroy opposing Stormwings N/A 5 500 XP
Outlast Opponents in Air Royale N/A 100 Callsign Falcon wrap
Deal damage to opposing Stormwings with an Assault Rifle N/A 5000 500 XP
Deal Damage with upgraded Stormwing weapons N/A 4000 500 XP
Place Top 5 in Air Royale N/A 5 Callsign Wolf wrap

Buccaneer’s Bounty

Available until 17/04/2019 — 11:59am BST

Challenge Guide link Number required
Visit a Pirate Camp in different matches Fortnite Pirate Camp locations 10
Search Buried Treasure N/A 1
Place Top 10 in Squads with a friend N/A 3
Shoot yourself out of a Pirate Cannon in different matches N/A 5

High Stakes

Challenge Number required Reward
Complete The Getaway challenges 2 Crowbar Harvesting Tool
Win a match of The Getaway 1 Crystal Llama back bling
Win a match of The Getaway 3 Crystal Llama (Ruby) back bling
Win a match of The Getaway 5 Crystal Llama (Diamond) back bling
Use a Grappler in different matches of The Getaway 5 The Getaway loading screen
Deal damage to Jewel carrying opponents 200 Suited Up spray
Pick up a Jewel in different matches of The Getaway 3 Cash Flow contrail


Available until 05/05/2019 — 11:59am BST

Challenge Guide link Number required Reward
Complete any 10 challenges to earn the reward item. N/A 10 Avenger’s Quinjet Glider
Deal damage while hovering with Iron Man’s Repulsors N/A 1000 500 XP
Collect Infinity Stones N/A 3 Assemble Loading screen
Play matches of Endgame N/A 7 Shield banner
Deal damage by throwing Thor’s Stormbreaker Axe N/A 1000 Thor’s Stormbreaker Emoticon
Deal damage while flying with the Chitauri Jetpack N/A 100 500 XP
Eliminations in different matches of Endgame N/A 5 Avenger’s Logo Marvel Spray
Deal damage with Captain America’s Shield N/A 1000 Captain America’s Shield Emoticon
Deal damage with the Chitauri Laser Rifle N/A 500 500 XP
Win matches of Endgame as a Chitauri or Thanos N/A 3 Infinity Gauntlet Marvel Spray
Deal damage within 10 seconds of grappling with Hawkeye’s Bow N/A 500 500 XP
Deal damage with the Chitauri Energy Launcher N/A 500 500 XP
Win matches of Endgame as the Hero Team N/A 3 Avengers logo banner

Season 7 challenges

Season 7 challenges

Season 7 began late last year on 6th December 2018. The theme is a holiday themed one, and saw a few big changes. Flush Factory and Greasy Grove are now gone, along with the addition of ziplines, new icy terrain, and a new vehicle that dominated the meta in the form of the X-4 Stormwing. It also introduced some free challenges in the form of the 14 Days Of Fortnite challenges and the current Ice Storm event, as well as some new cosmetic items such as wraps for weapons.

Week 10

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Place a Mounted Turret or Damage Trap in different matches. 3 Free Normal
Search chests at Lazy Links or Dusty Divot. 7 Free Normal
Assault Rifle Eliminations. 3 Free Hard
Deal damage with Scoped Weapons to opponents. 200 Battle Pass Normal
Get a score of 5 or more at Shooting Galleries. (Staged Challenge)
Shooting gallery locations
Stage 1: East of Wailing Woods.
Stage 2: North of Retail Row
Stage 3: East of Paradise Palms
Battle Pass Normal
Hit an opponent with a Chiller Grenade or Boogie Bomb in different matches. 3 Battle Pass Normal
Visit Expedition Outposts in a single match.
Expedition Outpost locations
4 Battle Pass Hard

Week 9

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Use a Sneaky Snowman in different matches 3 Free Normal
Land on five locations in different matches (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Retail Row
Stage 2: Frosty Flights
Stage 3: Haunted Hills
Stage 4: Shifty Shafts
Stage 5: Dusty Divot
Free Normal
Eliminate opponents at Junk Junction or Retail Row 3 Free Hard
Golden balloon locations 10 Battle Pass Normal
Sundial location
Giant metal dog head location
3 Battle Pass Normal
Eliminate players with the shotgun 3 Battle Pass Hard
Complete time trials with the X-4 Storm Plane 2
X-4 Stormwing Time Trials
Battle Pass Hard

Week 8

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Place a Cozy Campfire or Launch Pad in different matches. 3 Free Normal
Build Structures 250 Free Normal
Search between a mysterious hatch, a giant rock lady, and a precarious flatbed 1 Free Hard
Visit two different named locations in a single match. (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Paradise Palms and Salty Springs
Stage 2: Junk Junction and Loot Lake
Stage 3: Haunted Hills and Wailing Woods
Battle Pass Normal
Search chests in Shifty Shafts or Lonely Lodge 7 Battle Pass Normal
Explosive weapon eliminations 3 Battle Pass Hard
Deal damage to opponents while riding in a vehicle. 100 Battle Pass Hard

Week 7

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Visit all Expedition Outposts (Expedition Outpost locations) 7 Free Normal
Use a Rift or Rift-To-go in different matches 3 matches Free Normal
Eliminate enemies with pistols 3 Free Hard
Land in various locations
(Staged challenge)
Stage 1: Salty Springs
Stage 2: Happy Hamlet
Stage 3: Wailing Woods
Stage 4: Junk Junction
Stage 5: Paradise Palms
Battle Pass Normal
Search chests in Loot Lake or Frosty Flights 7 Battle Pass Normal
Destroy a flying Stormwing 1 Battle Pass Hard
Deal damage in a single match (Staged Challenge) Stage 1: 200 damage
Stage 2: 300 damage
Stage 3: 400 damage
Battle Pass Hard

Week 6

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Search an Ammo Box in different named locations 7 Free Medium
Chilly Gnome locations 7 Free Medium
Eliminate opponents in Lucky Landing or Tilted Towers 3 Free Hard
Visit two specific locations in a single match (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Polar Peaks and Tilted Towers
Stage 2: Lucky Landing and Retail Row
Stage 3: Lazy Links and Shifty Shafts
Battle Pass Medium
Slide an Ice Puck over 150m in a single throw Ice Puck 150m throw location Battle Pass Medium
Deal damage with different weapons (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Deal 200 damage with SMGs
Stage 2: Deal 200 damage with Assault Rifles
Stage 3: Deal 200 damage with Grenades, Clingers, and Stink Bombs
Battle Pass Hard
Deal damage with different weapons in a single match 5 in one match Battle Pass Hard

Week 5

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Land in five locations (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Polar Peak
Stage 2: Fatal Fields
Stage 3: Tomato Temple
Stage 4: Loot Lake
Stage 5: Snobby Shores
Free Medium
Deal 5000 damage to enemy structures 5000 Free Medium
Eliminate three enemies with suppressed weapons 3 Free Hard
Water Tower location
Ranger Tower location
Air Traffic Control Tower location
Stage 1: Dance on top of a Water Tower
Stage 2: Dance on top of a Ranger Tower
Stage 3: Dance on top of an Air Traffic Control Tower
Battle Pass Medium
Search chests at Wailing Woods or Paradise Palms 7 Battle Pass Medium
Search between a Giant Rock Man, a Crowned Tomato, and an Encircled Tree Tomato Temple Battle Star location Battle Pass Hard
Eliminate three opponents from closer than 5m away 3 Battle Pass Hard

Week 4

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Fireworks locations 3 out of a possible 14. Free Medium
Use an X-4 Stormwing in 5 matches 5 Free Medium
Eliminate enemies at Expedition outposts 3 (there are 7 outposts) Free Hard
NOMS sign letter locations Stage 1: Search for «O» west of Pleasant Park
Stage 2: Search for «S» in Wailing Woods
Stage 3: Search for «M» in Dusty Divot
Stage 4: Search for «N» under a frozen lake.
Stage 5: Visit NOMS in Retail Row
Battle Pass Hard
Destroy wooden objects (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Destroy 80 chairs
Stage 2: Destroy 25 wooden utility poles.
Stage 3: Destroy 25 wooden pallets
Battle Pass Medium
Deal 100 damage with a pickaxe to opponents 100 damage — can be across multiple games. Battle Pass Medium
Eliminate opponents in Happy Hamlet or Pleasant Park 3 Battle Pass Hard

Week 3

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Ride a zipline in different matches 5 in different matches. Free Medium
Land in five different locations. (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Lonely Lodge
Stage 2: Pleasant Park
Stage 3: Lucky Landing
Stage 4: Lazy Links
Stage 5: Tilted Towers
Free Medium
Eliminate two players with a legendary weapon 2 Free Hard
Ski Lodge Battle Star location 1 (behind the centre ski lodge) Battle Pass Hard
Ring two Doorbell locations in a single match 2 doorbells required in 1 match. Can’t be in the same named area. Battle Pass Medium
Search chests in either Polar Peak or Tomato Temple 7 required Battle Pass Medium
Deal damage with three different weapons (staged challenge) Stage 1: Deal damage with shotguns.
Stage 2: Deal damage with pistols.
Stage 3: Deal damage with snipers.
Battle Pass Hard

Week 2

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Search a chest in different named locations 5 chests in 5 different locations (out of 21) Free Medium
Damage opponents with different types of weapons 5 different types of damage (out of 10). Free Medium
Eliminate three opponents in either Snobby Shores or Fatal Fields. 3 Free Hard
Piano locations and sheet music Play sheet music near Pleasant park.
Play sheet music near Lonely Lodge.
Battle Pass Medium
Complete an Abandoned Mansion dance off Just complete, you don’t need to win. Requires at least 1 other player. Battle Pass Medium
Visit three sets of two locations in a match each (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Snobby Shores and Pleasant Park
Stage 2: Dusty Divot and Lonely Lodge
Stage 3: Frosty Flights and Tomato Temple
Battle Pass Hard
Eliminate an opponent that is 50m away 1 Battle Pass Medium

Week 1

Challenge Number required Type of Challenge Difficulty
Pick up an item of each rarity 1 of each rarity (5 in total) Free Medium
Forbidden Dance locations 7 out of 12. Free Medium
Play matches with at least one elimination 5 Free Hard
Crown of RVs dance location
Metal Turtle dance location
Submarine dance location
Stage 1: Dance on top of a crown of RVs.
Stage 2: Dance on top of a metal turtle.
Stage 3: Dance on top of a submarine.
Battle Pass Medium
Deal Headshot damage to opponents. 500 damage Battle Pass Medium
Search containers (Staged challenge) Stage 1: Search five ammo boxes in a single match.
Stage 2: Search three chests in a single match.
Stage 3: Search one supply drop in a single match.
Battle Pass Hard
Eliminate opponents in five different named locations. 5 eliminations in 5 different locations (out of 21) Battle Pass Hard

Other challenges in Season 7


This concludes our weekly challenges guide, but there’s plenty more in our collection of guides for Fortnite. For more on the weapons themselves, check out our Fortnite weapons guide, the locations to find them can be found in our Fortnite locations, while the list of the vehicles in the game are in our Fortnite vehicles guide.


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