Released in November 2000 on NeoGeo Pocket, Big Bang Pro Wrestling is one of those titles that didn’t get the big spotlight they deserved at the time. Twenty-two years later, SNK’s wrestling game is making a comeback on Nintendo Switch. An unexpected ressurection but which is part of the NeoGeo Pocket collection that Nintendo’s hybrid console has been promoting for several months now. The opportunity to test something other than WWE 2K, the only valid wrestling game on the market, and whose experience here is fundamentally different. We will be entitled to the graphics of the time, in 2D but enjoying a neat animation, as we can see on the video presentation. The roster will allow you to choose from 10 wrestlers with different styles and with their own Finishing Move. The game will also offer modes that are out of the ordinary such as the “Coffin Death Match” mode where the objective is to throw your opponent into a coffin, or to steal his reward in the “Reward Death Match” mode! Big Bang Pro Wrestling is already downloadable from the Nintendo eShop.