Well known in the world of manga and anime, Shueisha mainly owns the famous Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine, in which many manga were pre-published before becoming the phenomena we know today. Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece or even Demon Slayer took their first steps there. Visibly confident and eager to vary its activities, the Japanese company announces the creation of a video game subsidiary and a label that takes the name of Shueisha Games. Obviously, when we know that Bandai Namco Entertainment already takes care of the majority of manga adaptations in video games, we are entitled to wonder if Shueisha Games is not there to take the bread out of his mouth. It would seem that name, since this new publisher would have the difficult task of unearthing new talents, in particular through a program, the Shueisha Creators Camp, which consists of helping young creators. No less than 10 games are already in production and among them, four are already well advanced. These are Oni (Kenei Design), Ukiyo (Seaknot Studios), The Tower of Children (Tasto Alpha) and Captain Velvet Meteor: The Jump + Dimensions (Momo-pi Studio). An official website has also opened its doors.