Knockout City: EA’s dogbeball game also on PS4, a trailer released from the State of Play

Knockout City: EA's dogbeball game also on PS4, a trailer released from the State of Play

It was evident when it was first announced on Nintendo Direct on February 17, 2021 that Knockout City wouldn’t just release on Nintendo’s hybrid console. This does not resemble the multi-support policy of Electronic Arts, which has also formalized the arrival of its dodgeball game, or prisoner ball by us, on PS4 during the State of Play. The opportunity therefore to review the gameplay and also to have some enlightened comments from Josh from Velan Studios who explains the inner workings of the gameplay. The particularity of Knockout City is to use urban environments as a playground, with the possibility of making use of specific powers depending on the character you will play. It will even be possible to embody the ball for a short time when it turns into a time bomb. The release of Knockout City is expected on May 21 on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.


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