GTA: the PS2 trilogy (GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas) remastered on next gen? Kotaku says it loud and clear!

GTA: the PS2 trilogy (GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas) remastered on next gen?  Kotaku says it loud and clear!

This is not the first time that rumors evoking the arrival of the remasters of GTA III, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas have made the rounds of the Internets, but this time, it is the American site Kotaku which decided to play its reputation by affirming loud and clear that it has confidential information about the arrival of these three games from the PS2 era on today’s consoles, namely PC, PS5, Xbox Series X | S, PS4 and Xbox One. Better, the site in question explains that Rockstar Games also intends to release these remasters on Nintendo Switch, a console on which the studio has not yet worked on. According to the well-placed sources of Kotaku, the arrival of these three games would be through a compilation, already planned for next fall, which proves how well the production has progressed. In order to prove that they have a solid scoop, Kotaku gives some crisp details, notably on the fact that it is the Rockstar Dundee studio (a former British studio known as Ruffian Games and which was acquired by Rockstar in 2020 ) who would be the lead studio on the restoration of these three games.

On the technical side, Rockstar Games would have called on the Unreal Engine to perform a technical upgrade, knowing that the developers would use a mixture of new and old graphics. On the gameplay side, Kotaku let it be known that these three remasters would remain as close as possible to the PS2 experience, implying that the gameplay would not be touched up. Quite astonishing when we know that the playability of these three games have taken a hell of a beating since the 2000s. Also according to the Kotaku site, Rockstar Games would have planned a digital marketing of its three games only, knowing that they will be sold only in compilation format, without having the possibility of purchasing them individually. Finally, Rockstar Games would wait for the sales results of this remastered version of GTA’s PS2 trilogy to make the decision to move on to the sequel, namely the remake / remaster of the first Red Dead Redemption. However, other sources confirm that Rockstar is working well on the story of John Marston in next gen version, without other conditions. Of course, all this is just rumors and speculation, and we will wisely wait for the official intervention of Rockstar Games before making plans on the comet.


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