Devil May Cry 5: Vergil finally available as a playable character on PS4, Xbox One and PC

Devil May Cry 5: Vergil finally available as a playable character on PS4, Xbox One and PC

It was therefore not until a good month after the release of the Special Edition of Devil May Cry 5 that Vergil could take his first steps as a playable character on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Obviously expected given his liabilities and his pedrigree, the mysterious man of the DMC saga is coin against the sum of € 4.99. A relatively classic price which obviously allows you to take advantage of all of its special attacks, knowing that basic, it is not provided in the basic scenario, since it is the final plot. But whatever the coherence, Capcom is there to satisfy the community and allow to inflate the life of the game with a fourth playable protagonist. It also benefits from its official trailer that we share with you below.


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