DBZ Kakarot: a new gameplay trailer with titanic fights for the Swich version

DBZ Kakarot: a new gameplay trailer with titanic fights for the Swich version

Bandai Namco Entertainment is increasing the releases for the Switch version of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, which has been given the suffix + A NEW POWER AWAKENS SET, since this version includes the full game as well as the first two DLC “A new power s’ awakens “part 1 and 2. A few days after the gameplay dedicated to Gotenks and Vegito, here we are entitled to another gameplay trailer that presents the fights that we will be able to experience in this semi open world action game. All the power of manga and anime is obviously transcribed in this video, knowing that we will find the key moments of the great DBZ saga. History of pushing the player to consumption, the Japanese publisher recalls that any pre-order allows to obtain a new secondary quest called “A competition between friends”, an early access to the training of Bonyu, a kitchen item to improve the player statistics as well as 10 D Medals. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is scheduled for September 24 on Switch therefore.


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