Biomutant: a new big trailer to explain the universe, customization and evolution

Biomutant: a new big trailer to explain the universe, customization and evolution

After years of development and waiting, Biomutant is about to land on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. This is the last straight line for communication around the game, since it will go on sale from May 25th. Having said that, THQ Nordic has a new big video to share, titled “Explanation Trailer”, which aims to explain to us what Biomutant is, its references, its inspirations and how its universe works. It is therefore with the help of Stefan Ljungqvist, Art & Creative Director on the game that we are going to know a little more about this ambitious game. The latter does not hesitate to speak of Zelda Breath of the Wild in terms of comparison, but specifies that his game also has its own personality. We also see the tool of creation and evolution of his character, the concept around the Tree of Life and the universe in general. We leave you with the video.


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