Инфографика: сравнение смертности коронавируса Covid-19 и других эпидемий 21 века

Часто встает вопрос: «А не фигней ли является коронавирус по сравнению с обычным гриппом или прочими эпидемиями?»

На этот вопрос в качестве ответа пересылают видео, в котором сравниваются эпидемии нашего 21 столетия. С 1:07 начинается экшн:

Coronavirus vs. Every 2000s Epidemic (March 19 update) Fatality comparison

Таблица со ссылками на исходники: Aggregated disease comparison dataset (updated March 18, 2020)

Как создавалось видео:

Стрим с данными по миру с задержкой 24 часа:

Обоснование 24-часовой задержки:

These are active cases of COVID-19 from each country.

Q: Why is it showing 181K cases, when there are more than 300K?
A: These counts only include *currently infected* patients, so the roughly 100,000 people who have recovered are not included here.

Q: Why is the data purposefully 24 hours out of date?
A: The blurb below explains it!

***Here’s what the (now illegible) blurb says***

COVID-19 livestream with interpolated stats

The livestream is PURPOSEFULLY 24 hours delayed. Here’s why.

Reports of new cases/deaths/recoveries comes in sporadically. Sometimes they arrive once a day, sometimes once every few hours. However, if a report of 4,000 new cases arrives at midnight, we know 4,000 people didn’t get diagnosed instantaneously. They likely got diagnosed over the span of the previous 24 hours. If we want to capture the RATE of diagnosis, it would be helpful to see a more gradual stream. In other words, we’d like to «connect the dots», as seen by the green diagram to the upper-right.

However, we can’t interpolate between a past point we have seen, and a future point we have NOT seen. That’s shown in the lower-left diagram. (We can’t connect to the dot to the right of the blue line, whose position is still unknown!)

We can ONLY interpolate between two points we know. So, if we keep the livestream’s clock 24 hours behind real time, we will ALWAYS have points to interpolate between, as shown on the right! (This is only true if we have updates as frequent as at least daily.)

Music: Various songs provided graciously by my friend DemiPixel!




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