About Al‑Farabi Kazakh National University

About Al‑Farabi Kazakh National University

Time filled with a lot of new experiences, amazing events, unexpected and memorable acquaintances — all this can be said about the unique student life, which each person is obliged to spend as bright and rich as possible.Student years bring a lot of joy. This includes the beginning of adulthood, so much desired by teenagers because of the long-awaited sense of independence, and the opening of new prospects, and even building a brick of their future, a new life-such as they want it to be. Therefore, graduates face a difficult choice of University.

Al‑Farabi Kazakh national University is a leading multidisciplinary higher education institution in Kazakhstan.

The multi-level education system of KazNU includes: higher basic education (bachelor’s degree), higher special education, master’s and doctoral studies. Admission to the Treasury is carried out on state educational grants and on a contractual basis. Specialists are trained in more than 180 specialties.

KazNU includes 16 faculties, a College, an Institute of advanced training, 7 research institutes, 25 specialized dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations in 67 specialties, more than 20 thousand students, undergraduates and doctors are trained at the University. The scientific infrastructure also includes 11 centers.

There are also a large number of student organizations in the University :

Students ‘Union” Sunkar”; Senate of students ; Higher student Council; The volunteer movement “Komek”; Student Bureau for the Bologna process; Scientific student society; MK ” Zhas Otan”

Nowadays, student self-government does not mean only the organization of leisure time for students, but primarily the participation of student assets in the management of the University.

In Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, student self-government is represented by the following aspects: organization of leisure, clubs, sports competitions and sections. There are also more serious projects: the creation of a social network to help nonresident students and provide them with housing, the introduction of a public rating of students, maintaining order, education of corporate culture.

The right choice of University is a great contribution to your future life!

Kashina L.S. ,master degree student of Foreign Language: Two Foreign Language of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Supervisor – Ph.D Aldasheva K.S.


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