Vine Co-Founder Announces New Looping Video App Byte

The sequel to Vine launches this coming spring
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Photo by Hoch Zwei/Corbis via Getty Images

Micro-video app and social media network Vine sadly came to an end at the beginning of 2017. But ardent fans of the platform may have hope yet. Earlier this year, Vine’s co-founder Dom Hofmann tweeted out a simple image in the app’s trademark green that read “V2,” after previously hinting that he was working on developing a new version of the app. Now, Hofmann has taken to Twitter to announce Byte, a new looping video app that is set to launch in spring 2019. He confirmed that Byte is the new name for “V2.”

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Revisit “The Five Best Songs of 2014 That Originated on Vine” and “Give Ya Boy Six: Why Rappers Love Vine” over on the Pitch.