Watch Big Boi’s Mental Health PSA, Featuring His Pet Owl

The animated video focuses on “the importance of choosing good words to talk about mental health”
Cartoon cat and owl
Big Boi’s “Captain Owl”

Big Boi has shared an animated PSA about mental health for the Public Good ProjectsTherapy Pets campaign. “Being a dad and a man of words I wanted to help bring attention to the importance of choosing good words to talk about mental health,” Big Boi wrote. “So I teamed up with some of my friends to put together an animation featuring my owls.” The video features characters learning about the stigma attached to mental health and the proper language to use to discuss it. Check it out below.

Big Boi’s latest album, Boomiverse, arrived in 2017. Read Pitchfork’s Sunday Review of Outkast’s Stankonia.