FKA twigs Shares New Issue of Instagram Zine

AVANTgarden’s fourth edition features ASAP Rocky
FKA twigs from her AVANTgarden issue
FKA twigs, photo by orograph

FKA twigs is back with another issue of her Instagram zine series titled AVANTgarden. For the fourth issue, twigs enlisted ASAP Rocky and designing duo behind Fecal Matter, Hannah and Raj, for an alien-inspired photoshoot in New York City. It features photography by orograph. See the full issue below via FKA twigs’ Instgram. The previous AVANTgarden issues include the “motion graphic novel” collaboration with Oneohtrix Point Never and the poem-filled “Dream Warrior.”

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ASAP Rocky recently dropped the video for his Testing track “Fukk Sleep,” which was made in collaboration with and stars FKA twigs. In December, Rocky kicks off his tour behind the new LP. Twigs’ last album was 2015’s M3LL155X.