Chance the Rapper Will Play a Werewolf in Murder Mystery Film Slice

Dax Lycander, the werewolf and former Chinese food delivery boy
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It was reported last week that Chance the Rapper will star in a murder mystery film called Slice. It will be directed by Austin Vesely—the guy behind the Social Experiment's "Sunday Candy" video. In an interview with RedEye, Vesely revealed that Chance will play a werewolf in the movie.

Chance's character, Dax Lycander, is a werewolf and former Chinese food delivery boy. "Basically, these murders start happening and they hearken back to an incident that happened with him years before, and they arouse the town’s suspicions," Vesely said. As the poster above implies, there will be a chase scene.

The role was written with Chance in mind. "He basically told me that when the time comes that I could make something, he’d be there for me," Vesely said. He plans to "tailor the role more to his voice and his humor."

Vesely was inspired by George Saunders' CivilWarLand In Bad Decline. He explains that Slice takes place in an alternate universe with "supernatural elements that people accept as reality".

Read the full interview here.

Here's the "Sunday Candy" video: