Silver Jews Return, Begin Working on New Music

Two potential songs in the works: "The Veranda over the Toy Shoppe" and "Wacky Package Eyes"
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Photo from Bob Nastanovich's Facebook

Back in 2009, Silver Jews' David Berman called it a day. "I've got to move on," he wrote. "Can't be like all the careerists doncha know." Six years later, he apparently had a change of heart. Last night, Bob Nastanovich, who has played in Silver Jews (as well as Pavement) posted a photo on Facebook featuring Berman, saying that it was taken "after Jews practice tonight."

Today, he told Wondering Sound that the band has begun working on two songs: "The Veranda over the Toy Shoppe" (which is about "the women of Bucharest") and "Wacky Package Eyes".

Nastanovich didn't say what form those songs would take, but that it's "doubtful" they would tour. He also said they wouldn't record anything more for at least a month, since he'd left Nashville. But, he said, the only thing getting in the way of releasing the songs would be their quality—that if they were "sub par," they would be "binned."

A collection of early Silver Jews recordings called Early Times was released in 2012. Otherwise, since 2009 Berman's output has been spotty and not musical in nature—he released a book of cartoons in 2009, and some of his writings appeared in a 2013 photo book.

Read our interview with Berman from 2008.