Fortnite gives Age Ratings to Cosmetics, Blocks 428 Items from Creative

With Thursday's v27.10 patch, Epic Games applied age ratings to every cosmetic in Fortnite, resulting in 428 items being blocked from Creative maps rated PEGI 7 or lower.

The sudden introduction of rated cosmetics comes following the recent addition of age ratings for Creative experiences. Since October 16th, creators have been required to submit an IARC questionnaire when publishing projects to receive an age rating.

Players can no longer use cosmetics that feature weapons, ammunition, or are considered to be "scary" in Creative experiences rated PEGI 7 or lower (rating systems are different for each region). Over 400 items have been affected, with 132 of these being Outfits. If a player equips a restricted cosmetic and then selects a game with a low age rating, the blocked items will be replaced with default versions. Interestingly, this applies to Loading Screens and Music Packs too, even though they cannot be seen in-game or by anyone but the owning player.

Fortnite's core Battle Royale modes have a PEGI 7 rating and are therefore safe from any restrictions. Despite this, data miners have revealed that the upcoming Fortnite OG finale event has received a rating of PEGI 3, meaning cosmetics will be restricted for this and Chapter 5's launch sequence.

Epic Games responded to the negative community reaction with a post on X, saying:

"About 7% of Fortnite Outfits can only be equipped in islands rated Teen. Over the next year we will enable most of these Outfits to be compatible with all ratings by having them auto-adjust appearance based on the island you want to play."

The restricted cosmetics include 132 Outfits, 21 Emotes, 28 Pickaxes, 73 Back Blings, 6 Gliders, 125 Loading Screens, 1 Music Pack, 5 Contrails, 34 Sprays, and 3 Emoticons.

What do you think about Fortnite's new restrictions on cosmetics? React below!

In other news, the Chapter 5 Battle Royale map has been leaked. Click here to read more.

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