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Mass Effect Metahumans - What Mass Effect Humans might look like in Unreal Engine 5 using Metahuman
2022May 23
Metahuman may be in early access but it is still amazing to work in! You can quickly create a unique and realistic looking human within minutes, with a range of stunning scenes. Knowing the next instalment of Mass Effect is going to be using UE5, I thought I'd see what some of the characters might look like! Even though the options available at the moment for hairstyles are limited, and the pointier / chiselled range of noses aren't quite there yet - I was still able to achieve pretty close resemblances to our beloved humans from one of my favourite game series! Chapters: 0:00 Default FemShep 0:45 Default MaleShep 1:27 Ashley Williams 2:16 Kaidan Alenko 3:17 Joker 3:59 Dr. Chakwas 4:40 Anderson / Space Dad 5:29 Hackett More characters are on the way, along with an in-depth look at the different scenes, lighting and animations! Thanks for watching! Every like, comment and share is appreciated! Don't forget to subscribe too! I'm also streaming on Twitch in the not-so-distant future!   / lootyluna   Follow me on Twitter for updates!   / lousloopy  

Looty Luna

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