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Spider-Man sold over 3.3 million units its first three days on the market

Spider-Man is a hit with PlayStation 4 users.

Sony has announced Insomniac Games' Spider-Man is now the fastest-selling first-party PlayStation title. The game sold over 3.3 million units in its first three days of availability.

Released on September 7, the game has been the top-seller on the UK game charts for two weeks straight. Spider-Man is also the fastest-selling game in the UK for the current year.

How well the title is doing in the US isn't known as of press time, but we fully expect it to be sitting in the top slot when the September NPD report is released in mid-October.

The game is not only a hit with players but critics as well, according to the review scores. You can also read our Spider-Man review through here.

Congratulations, Insomniac. Well done.

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